Monday, July 31, 2017

The Itchy Penis and Psoriasis - Can Natural Remedies Help?

By John Dugan

There's not a guy alive who hasn't experienced an itchy penis at one time or another; but there's a difference between a penis that has the occasional itch and one that is affected by psoriasis. The latter can be a major inconvenience and needs to be treated periodically to provide relief. Engaging in proper penis care can help to alleviate the most inconvenience symptoms of psoriasis.
What is psoriasis?
Psoriasis is one of the most common skin disorders and can occur on almost any part of the body, including the penis. When a person has psoriasis, the skin cell's life cycle is affected; it causes the cells to overproduce, creating a build-up on the surface of the skins that presents as thick scales or itchy, red patches.
Exactly what causes psoriasis is unknown, but it seems to be associated with a problem with the immune system. This problem causes T cells to start treating healthy skin cells as if they were a wound that needed healing: they tell the body to create more skin cells, because they think this is needed to prevent the wound from getting infected.
Herbal and natural treatments
There are a number of medical treatments that are involved in treating psoriasis, including corticosteroids, retinoids and drugs that alter the immune system; however, many people have found some relief through the use of herbal-based or other natural treatments. If a man has a persistent case of psoriasis on his skin, he may want to consider incorporating some form of natural therapy into his treatment - after consulting his doctor, of course.
Among the herbal or natural therapies often recommended for psoriasis are:
- Salt baths. Many skin conditions seem to respond positively when the affected area is soaked in warm salt water. (The key here is warm, not hot; no penis wants to be scalded.) Adding Epsom salts to a warm bath and soaking for 15 minutes may provide relief. A man should definitely remember to add a cream with a quality moisturizer after drying off.
- Oat compress. Wrap a cup of oats (such as are found in regular oatmeal) in a cloth. Soak the cloth in buttermilk, then wring out the excess moisture and apply to the affected area of the penis.
- Turmeric. The herb turmeric is associated with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and many naturopaths believe that it can relieve symptoms associated with psoriasis. Turmeric is not intended to be applied topically, but should be ingested in foods such as curries.
- Sarsparilla root and juniper. Some homeopathic practitioners recommend drinking a tea made from boiling together sarsparilla root and juniper to address psoriasis, as these ingredients are thought to reduce toxins associated with immune disorders.
- Sunlight. Most doctors agree that a small amount of natural sunlight tends to help reduce psoriasis; the problem here, of course, is that exposing the penis to sunlight cannot be done just anywhere. If a man has a properly private back yard, bringing his guy out for a 10-minute sunbath might be a good idea; however, since penis skin is very sensitive, it's important not to overdo this.
As mentioned, consult with a doctor before employing any of the above strategies.
Using herbal or natural approaches to relieving an itchy penis is a good start, but it mustn't end there. Regularly using a top drawer penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is a necessary supplement to any psoriasis treatment regimen. A man must make sure that the chosen cream contains an absolutely first rate emollient, such as Shea butter, to provide effective moisturization that can alleviate itching. Also essential is a powerful antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, which offsets harmful oxidative and aging processes of penis cells, very necessary when combating the proliferation of skin cells associated with psoriasis.
Visit for more information about treating common penis health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of penis sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.
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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Best Tips On How To Cure Psoriasis From The Inside

Best Tips On How To Cure Psoriasis From The Inside
By Terry Robbins

Psoriasis is a disease that is difficult to treat because it is still not very well understood. Despite this, there are many treatment therapies that have been developed despite there currently being no "cure" yet. There are also various natural psoriasis treatments that have proven to be very effective for many psoriasis sufferers to keep flare-ups at bay. One of those is to use diet which many believe is one of the best ways on how to cure psoriasis from the inside out.
How to Cure Psoriasis from the Inside
Using food is an essential part of not only promoting general health and wellbeing but is also important to prevent various diseases and conditions. This is because various foods contain essential vitamins and minerals that boost the immune system and in addition for psoriasis, have various skin healing properties.
Using the right foods is important. Especially those that are organic and free of chemicals and antibiotics as well as saturated and trans fats.
Though many doctors may not believe that a healthy diet alone will cure psoriasis, they do believe that if making certain dietary changes provides some benefits, there is no harm is following a diet for psoriasis. Especially in the current absence of a psoriasis cure which makes it crucial to try various remedies to see whether they will work for you that are both conventional and unconventional.
Following the theme of using natural remedies that may work to heal your skin from the scourge of psoriasis, here are some of the best tips on how to cure psoriasis from the inside out;
1. Turmeric
One of the top recommended remedies on how to cure psoriasis from the inside AND outside is turmeric. This is a spice that is native to India where it has long been used in the ancient traditional healing practice of Ayurveda in addition to its common use in various culinary dishes as it gives curry its yellow color.
There are many seemingly unbelievable stories from various people that have used turmeric for various diseases and conditions including psoriasis touting this spice's benefits for healing. So if you are struggling with psoriasis, you may want to give turmeric a try.
The active ingredient that is believed to be responsible for turmeric's healing properties is curcumin.
Curcumin is a very rich source of antioxidants which help to prevent the activity of free radicals in the body. Free radicals represent oxygen molecules that cause harm in the body by damaging healthy cells as a way for them to live and thrive in the body. The damage may increase the risk of developing various diseases and conditions including various cancers, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, as well as psoriasis.
Turmeric helps to reduce inflammation in the body which is why it is believed to be one of the most effective remedies for psoriasis whose development is considered among various other reasons also related to the level of inflammation in the body.
As mentioned earlier, turmeric can be taken internally as well as applied externally to the psoriasis lesions. Either method or both is said to be effective. For internal benefits, turmeric can be added to any food or drink e.g. to stews, cereals, oatmeal, salads, stir-fries, to smoothies, green juices, etc.
To apply turmeric topically, make a paste with the turmeric and apply to the lesions and cover with a plastic wrap or adhesive and leave for a few hours or overnight and wash off. When used topically, depending on your skin tone, you may notice a yellow caste especially if you are very pale which will dissipate eventually.
2. Cold-water fish
Another of the top tips on how to cure psoriasis from the inside out is related to a discovery by researchers that certain deep sea cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and herring when consumed by people with psoriasis, reported a reduction in their various symptoms of psoriasis.
While it is not very well understood why these oily fish are healing for the body and skin, it is believed that the omega-3 fatty acids that they contain are responsible.
Omega-3s seem to be able to reduce the amount of certain compounds in the body - leukotrients and prostaglandins - that cause skin inflammation. Salmon has an especially high amount of omega-3s but the other oily fish previously mentioned are also beneficial. It is recommended that you eat 3 to 4 ounces of these oily fish per week.
If you prefer omega-3 supplements, the recommended daily amount is about 3 grams. Be sure that the omega-3 supplements you use contain EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) which are long chain fatty acids that are especially beneficial for various skin conditions including psoriasis.
Do not overdo the consumption of these oily fish or omega-3 supplements because high doses of fish oils can affect the body's blood clotting mechanism so check with your doctor to make sure that the regimen you follow is within safe limits.
3. Beta carotene
While it is highly recommended to cure psoriasis from the inside by consuming more fruits and vegetables, certain vegetables rank a little higher. These are vegetables and fruits that contain beta-carotene such as tomatoes, carrots, spinach, cantaloupe, beet greens, winter squash, sweet potatoes, etc. Any colorful fruit or vegetable usually obtains its color from beta-carotene.
Research has shown that those who ate at least seven servings of tomatoes were able to reduce their risk of developing psoriasis by a whopping 60 percent! For carrots, the reduction in risk was still high at 40 percent and the same for fruit consumption at 50 percent.
Beta-carotene as well as vitamins C and E that these vegetables and fruits contain provide antioxidant activity in the body in addition to helping boost the immune system so that it is better equipped to fight off disease as well as to improve skin. Beta-carotene in particular is converted into vitamin A which along with vitamin E are known as the skin vitamins as they help to maintain the tissues that make up the skin.
4. Low-calorie diets
These are beneficial especially if you are overweight. Obesity is a factor in how you will respond to psoriasis treatment and the severity of symptoms of psoriasis that you will develop. It has been noted that people with psoriasis who are obese take longer to respond to treatment and psoriasis lesions return more quickly after treatment is stopped.
Following a low calorie diet does not mean starving yourself. It means making better choices with food and avoiding high calorie foods such as fast food, various processed foods, fried foods, etc.
5. Mediterranean diet
There are many diets that are followed around the world that seem to present no health problems for the people who follow them around the world. The only diet that has been shown to increase the risk of developing various diseases and conditions is the Western diet, so any move away from this diet can be beneficial for your health.
One of the most recommended diets which is one of the best ways on how to cure psoriasis from the inside out is the Mediterranean diet. This is one of the most complete diets that will provide you with most if not all of the nutrients you need every day. The health benefits of the Mediterranean diet arise because of its focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, chicken and olive oil all of which are foods that are beneficial for the body and can help heal skin.
These are just a few tips on how to cure psoriasis from the inside. If you are struggling with psoriasis, making certain diet changes may produce positive changes in your immune system and skin. Natural methods of treatment produce more long term relief from the symptoms of psoriasis than other methods. For a step-by-step natural system that may work for you, visit
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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Treatments For Psoriasis is Best Attained Naturally

By Peter Thronton

Psoriasis is a common chronic skin condition that affects both men and women largely. If you are suffering from this particular skin condition, it is likely for you to develop red and itchy patches on your skin with silver colored scales. The usual course of the skin condition involves an alternation of periodic flares with periodic remissions. The severity range of this chronic condition can range from just an annoying problem to a disabling problem. If you seem to be suffering from this skin disease, it is important for you to treat the condition immediately to avoid any further complications. Treatments for psoriasis is best found naturally; however, you must make the choice of the product carefully.
Psoriasis - How it Affects Life
The symptoms of psoriasis include the development of small patches of thick skin on your elbow, back, and knees. These areas affected by the skin condition usually are painless, but are starkly visible, which often leads to embarrassment of the individual. Most often, it is seen that people suffering from the skin condition have poor social interaction ability and also lack of self confidence. Usually, this particular skin disease is mostly developed among individuals aged between 10 and 40 and most commonly affects people having the disease running in their family.
Treating Psoriasis - What you Need to Involve
When it comes to finding ideal treatments for psoriasis, you should consider treating the skin condition naturally. Psoriasis when treated naturally from the initial stage offers wonderful results in keeping the condition at bay and preventing future occurrence of the disease. When it comes to opting for natural treatment, you should make the choice carefully. Not all over-the-counter products offer results as promised in the label. To be sure about receiving results, you should always opt for products having natural extracts.
While buying topical medications like lotions or ointments, you should make sure to buy the one that is FDA approved and also has 98 per cent botanical extracts. This would ensure receiving proven results. All you need to do is apply the lotion regularly as recommended. Stopping from using the product midway will never help getting optimal results. Additional to this medication, it is important for you to integrate some daily self care routine as it would help you receive the results as desired.
Self Care Tips - What you Should Follow
Wondering about the self care tips that you should follow to receive optimal results in treating the skin condition? Here are your answers -
Always keep your skin moist and hydrated; this helps reducing itchiness or dryness of the skin
Soothe your skin by taking baths using a gentle soap; this makes it easier to remove dry skin
Expose your skin to little, not too harsh, ultraviolet light; this helps soothing the lesions
Integrate some dietary changes to your daily routine and also quit smoking and drinking
Avoid from scratching or picking the area of the skin infected with the disease
The combination of natural cure and self care routine works as one of the best treatments for psoriasis. Proper treatment can help you keep the disease at bay.
The author, an expert blogger on skin care writes about how to determine and cure psoriasis at best. He also highlights how natural cure has emerged as one of the best treatments for psoriasis.
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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Is Psoriasis Contagious? Why It Happens and 2 Ideas on Stopping It!

By Kevin Whitsitt

Today I'm going to be talking about how someone gets psoriasis, as well as a few ideas on stopping this health problem from appearing. Did you know that the cells in the human body replace themselves? There is even a theory that every 7 to 12 years you are practically reborn because all the skin cells in your body would have recreated themselves. What would happen if a cells grow too quickly on the skin? This is what is known as psoriasis.
This results in patches of the skin looking whitish or silvery in color. It could also have a red or thick look. Due to this abnormality to the skin some people with this condition may feel embarrassed showing it off to the public. The good news is that since you can't touch or breathe on someone and have their skin cells grow more quickly, psoriasis isn't contagious.
The theory on why this condition takes place has to do with the immune system. In your body you have something known as T Cells, which hunt down harmful invaders and kill them. With psoriasis the immune system over reacts leading to an inflammatory response. This brings on the swelling and fast turnover of the cells on the skin. Something harmless triggers the immune system causing this allergic reaction.
The smartest minds are not sure what causes allergic reactions, but it has something to do with a weak immune system. Henry Ford Hospital has shown through studies that having a pet in the house during a child's first year of life may prevent an allergic reaction from pet hair. The immune system recognizes that the pet hair is not a threat and therefore an allergic reaction isn't created.
To prevent this annoying skin condition one idea would be to figure out what is causing it and eliminate that from your life. You could keep a journal and write down what the day was like before a psoriasis flare up and try to identify the cause. A second idea would be a bee pollen supplement. The reason it can help is because it reduces histamine in the body. Histamine contributes to the allergic reaction that brings on the psoriasis. You could get prescription drugs that also reduce histamine, but they could cost a lot of money and give off some unwanted effects.
To sum everything up psoriasis is when patches of white, silvery or red skin appear on a person. It isn't contagious and you can prevent this ailment through eliminating the triggers that cause it and taking a bee pollen supplement.
Supplements and alternative medicine can be confusing and even harmful. Make things really simple and give your body a HUGE edge by viewing a free video guide I created at
You can watch a video on this topic at
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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Common Facts About Psoriasis Skin Condition

By Imma Sila

Psoriasis is a skin ailment that is peculiar to the person who acquires it and is considered by dermatologists to be an immune system disease. Although persons who have this disease usually have red marks on the skin and lesions, the disease is not in any way contagious. The condition occurs when the immune system is triggered causing skin cells to reproduce at an abnormal rate. The abnormal growth rate of skin cells coupled with certain immune reactions causes the flaky skin that persons with psoriasis usually have.
Given that, the condition is unique to each individual that has it and only genes and immune reactions play a role in its occurrence it is therefore impossible for one individual to transfer it to another. It can occur in any individual at any age but is more prevalent in Caucasians than dark skinned people and in persons between the age of 9 and 35.
Psoriasis can occur on any part of the body but is most common on the chest, knees and elbows and on the scalp. Other regions include the palms and soles, genitals and the face. A common indicator that the skin condition is psoriasis is the facts that the inflammation and lesions usually occur symmetrically. This means on similar regions but on the right and left sides of the body. One can identify the condition given the skin's appearance but a test by a dermatologist is mandatory for positive diagnosis of the condition.
Usually the doctor takes a piece of skin from the affected patients and examines it under a microscope. The condition cannot be identifies through any other method so be wary of doctors who may require you to do additional tests. This may be a method to extort money from you or is an indication they may be quacks. Ensure you make an informed decision before consenting to take a blood test or any other test.
Once a positive diagnosis is given, the doctor and the patient embark on treatment variations to find the one that works for the patient. This is because there is not singular treatment for the condition. Since it is unique to each person that acquires it with regard to triggers, the treatment methods also differ. The good news is there are many treatment options available from ointments to natural remedies. Although the condition has no cure, once you find a treatment option that works, the psoriasis can clear after some time. Once this happens the patient will be placed on a regiment of treatments to prevent it being triggered back.
We provide the best info about treatment of psoriasis. For further details please visit the provided links.
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Monday, July 24, 2017

The Five Best Ways To Beat Psoriasis Without Drugs

By Ken Charles

Psoriasis is one of the many diseases which are caused by the body's immune system, which has suffered a malfunction. The immune system mistakenly identifies good cells as "foreign" and attacks them, in a bid to protect the body.
This is why there is currently no cure for Psoriasis. There are some vendors who claim they do have a cure but considered expert medical opinion disagrees. Conventional treatment suppresses the immune with steroid medication, which causes problems in at least two ways.
First, the steroids cause many side effects, some of them can be very serious. Not every patient suffers from these side effects but careful monitoring by medically qualified professionals is vital.
Secondly, there is a need to bolster the immune system with additional medication, known as steroid-sparing or adjuvant drugs. These drugs can also cause side-effects.
If you want to avoid the dangers of these medications, there are various ways to get relief, depending on what type of psoriasis it is and where it is.
1) Creams, oils and lotions: There are many of these available, each with a different mixture of ingredients and each claiming varying degrees of success, from mild relief to complete cure!
The advantages of creams and oils is that they are quick and convenient to apply and they are relatively inexpensive. Many of them claim excellent results from happy customers.
They have the obvious disadvantage that they can be messy and uncomfortable, staining clothes and bedclothes and may be unsightly if applied to the face, hair or hands.
2) Where the psoriasis is in the hair or on the scalp, a shampoo is often the most convenient and effective treatment. Some shampoos have a strong odor, which many people consider to be unpleasant and this could be embarrassing in a social situation. Generally speaking, psoriasis shampoos and hair treatments are not expensive.
3) Nail psoriasis and fungal nail infections are in a different category. Toenails live in a sweaty and humid environment, where fungus can thrive, so improvement in this condition can be difficult and slow. Argan oil is a popular treatment for toenails and finger nails.
With toenails, there is the slight consolation that they are out of sight most of the time. Finger nails are probably easier to treat but it if they are in a bad state, they can be a cause of considerable embarrassment, especially for the ladies.
4) There is a growing number of natural remedies in tablet form, to be taken internally, usually with the aim of calming or "curing" the immune system. They make considerable claims in avoiding the harsh chemicals and drugs of conventional treatments, with emphasis on natural and herbal ingredients.
5) Hypnosis has had a place in homeopathic medicine for many years. The large number of practitioners and products is testimony to the popularity of these treatments, as is the startling behaviour seen in many stage and theatre shows.
Growth in technology has seen a huge increase in the availability of home treatments, in the form of CD's and downloads, so that sufferers can use these methods in the comfort and privacy of their own home.
Ken Charles is a keen student and researcher of natural and homeopathic remedies for a number of common ailments and diseases. He has a number of websites providing this information.
The website which is relevant to this article is: []
Ken always tries to find solutions which offer a money-back guarantee. This is important for a couple of reasons; First, you don't want to be wasting your money on stuff which doesn't work for you and second, such a guarantee means that the supplier has confidence that his solution will benefit you and he will not be flooded with refund requests.
Read More About How To To Beat Psoriasis [].
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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Can You Get Rid Of Psoriasis Naturally With Neem Oil?

By Terry Robbins

One thing to keep in mind is that there is currently no cure for psoriasis. However, many psoriasis sufferers have been able to find relief from the symptoms of psoriasis and/or keep psoriasis flare-ups to a minimum using various treatment approaches including with the use of many natural methods such as natural oils. One of these natural oils that is heavily discussed for natural psoriasis treatment is neem oil. Can you get rid of psoriasis naturally with neem oil? Let's see.
The Wonders of Neem
In Sanskrit, "neem" is derived from the term "nimba" which means "bestower of good health." This tree is native to India and has been a staple in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for over one thousand years.
According to the Neem Foundation in India, about 75 percent of Ayurvedic formulas feature neem as a key ingredient. These formulas have been used to naturally treat various diseases and conditions.
Various parts of the neem tree such as leaves, branches, bark, etc are used for healing and neem oil is derived from the seed kernels of this tree.
The various effective uses of neem include but are not limited to;
1. Pesticide
This is probably the most commonly known use of neem in the Western world. There are many studies that indicate that neem is able to kill, repel or disrupt the damaging effects and reproduction of various agricultural pets such as weevils, beetles, etc.
Neem can also be used as a personal bug spray or ointment as it is able to act as an effective insect repellant to keep various bugs and mosquitoes from landing and feasting on you. In addition, studies have shown that even a small amount of neem can kill all the mosquito larvae some of which cause malaria in certain parts of the world without any risk to nonpest animals unlike various chemical pesticides.
2. Dental
It is quite common for many Indians to chew on neem tree twigs because neem ensures dental health according to various studies. The extract has been found to be able to kill bacteria that commonly cause plaque, tooth decay and gum disease. Toothpaste that contains neem extract are available in various health food stores.
3. Acne
This skin condition which affects most people can be treated naturally with neem because of its bacteria killing properties which target the bacteria that causes acne. This can help to prevent acne breakouts and promote clearer skin.
4. Ulcers
Neem has been shown by some studies to be able to reduce the secretion of stomach acid and treat stomach ulcers using either the neem leaf or neem bark extracts without significant side effects.
5. Contraception
Some studies have shown that neem leaf extract is spermicidal and can help prevent pregnancy to some extent.
Other possibilities for natural treatment using neem include warts, eczema, herpes, chickenpox, athlete's foot, skin cancer, etc.
Can You Get Rid of Psoriasis with Neem?
Neem features a complex mix of over 140 active ingredients that can help to get rid of psoriasis naturally. While not a cure, there are many psoriasis sufferers who have been able to obtain relief from the symptoms using neem. The following are some of the uses of neem for psoriasis that can help answer the question "can you get rid of psoriasis with neem?"
  1. Neem oil acts as an effective emollient as it contains various fatty acids as well as natural vitamin E to help moisturize and soften dry skin which can increase the risk of developing psoriasis symptoms if the skin is not kept well moisturized.

  2. Neem oil can increase skin health as well as enhance the natural immunity of the skin which can help prevent flare-ups.

  3. Neem oil as previously mentioned is anti-bacterial as well as being anti-fungal and anti-microbial which can help prevent skin infections that can increase the risk of bringing on psoriasis symptoms.

  4. Neem oil is able to treat skin redness and swelling that are associated with the lesions as well as soothe skin irritation and itchy lesions.

  5. Taking neem extracts from the leaves or barks internally can help to boost the immune system which can help it better fight off psoriasis symptoms.

  6. Three active ingredients found in neem known as "nimbidin", "nimbin and "quercetin" are anti-inflammatory compounds which can help to combat the development of the symptoms of psoriasis. Having a high level of inflammation in the body can increase the risk of developing various diseases and conditions including psoriasis.

How To Use Neem for Natural Psoriasis Treatment
Neem oil is very easily available since it is commonly used as a pesticide. For best results, use unrefined, organic neem oil that is cold pressed or expeller pressed to ensure that all the beneficial properties are present in the oil. Apply this oil to the face and/or body as often as you wish to combat dry skin, itching, inflammation as well as to treat the lesions naturally.
Simply use the oil as you would any skin moisturizer or hot oil treatment (scalp psoriasis) or apply a few drops to the bath water before soaking in this water for about 15 to 20 minutes.
For internal usage, do not use neem oil because it is toxic! Use products that contain the extracts from the leaves or bark such as tablets, capsules or neem tea.
You can consume the neem tea and/or steep the tea bags in hot bath water for at least 5 minutes and soak for 15 to 20 minutes.
Caution with Neem Oil Usage
As mentioned previously, neem oil is toxic so do not ingest it. Pregnant and nursing women as well as infants and children should avoid it.
If using products that contain the extracts, simply follow the label instructions.
Neem can cause allergic reactions so do keep this in mind.
Another point to keep in mind with neem oil is that it STINKS! This can be a deal breaker for some whereas it may not be that significant of an issue for others. This may be one of the reasons that it is such as great insect repellant! If the smell bothers you so much, you may consider adding various essential oils such as lavender, tea tree oil, peppermint, etc.
Can You Get Rid of Psoriasis with Neem Oil or Other Neem Products?
There are many positive results that have been noted from the use of various neem products but neem oil especially, that make it a viable natural remedy for psoriasis but like every other recommended treatment for psoriasis, simply because it works for one sufferer does not mean it will work for you and vice versa. Experimentation with neem oil is the only way to determine whether this natural remedy will help get rid of psoriasis lesions.
In addition, using neem oil while still dealing with chronic stress in your life, smoking, drinking, and many other activities that increase the risk of developing psoriasis symptoms may hinder your ability to have positive results from neem usage.
With this in mind, neem oil as well as products that contain neem extracts are still a viable natural method for treating psoriasis. So the answer to the question " can you get rid of psoriasis with neem oil?" is definitely yes as this remedy is worth a try. For more tips on how to get rid of psoriasis naturally, visit
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Saturday, July 22, 2017

How Nature Helps You To Cure Psoriasis

By Taimoor Malik Masood

We all know that anyone who suffers from this condition does not want to be told that there is no psoriasis cure that can get rid of this condition. While research has been done on this skin condition; the truth is that there is still no known cure for this with medications. However, this is one of the main reasons that so many people begin turning to using natural psoriasis cures; they understand that one day they may be able to find a way to not only get relief from this condition but they may be able to cure it.
You have to understand that every person who suffers from this condition is different and just because a psoriasis cure work for some people; is not necessarily going to work for you. I know this because I went and tried all different types of natural psoriasis cures that worked for family and friends; yet nothing seemed to work for me. If you are suffering from this condition then here are some things that you can begin doing that will be able to provide some relief and possibly even help you break free from this condition.
The one thing that you need to keep in mind when searching for a psoriasis cure is that you can easily find a psoriasis cure that works. In fact, several people have been able to find a psoriasis cure that has helped them get their beautiful skin back.
Psoriasis Cure Using Natural Remedies
1. Flax Seed Oil: Taking a regular dose of flax seed oil or even fish oil has been known to help people with this condition. You will want to begin taking at least 1500 mg per day of fish oil.
2. Detergent: There are certain detergents that can be extremely harsh and cause your psoriasis to continue breaking out and become inflamed. Avoid detergents that contain any type of harsh chemicals and perfumes and begin using detergents that are geared for children to wash your clothing.
3. Diet: Unfortunately, we all know that most of us do not eat enough of the right types of food. In fact, most of us do not realize that we a lot of junk; if you are currently suffering from this skin condition then you may want to begin eating more green raw vegetables that will be better for your body and provide it with the nutrients and vitamins that it needs.
4. Vitamin D: Chances are your body may not be getting enough Vitamin D to help fight off this skin condition. If you attempt to avoid the sun every day; begin spending at least 30 minutes each day outside in the sun. The sunlight is a great way to provide your skin with the Vitamin D that it requires.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar: If you notice that your skin is extremely itchy and you want to scratch; then applies some apple cider vinegar directly to the psoriasis. This is extremely helpful for relieving the itching; you will want to begin with 10 parts apple cider vinegar and 90 parts distilled water to get the best effects.
6. Stress: We have already discussed that it is extremely important that you begin avoiding any type of stress in your life. Stress has been known to trigger this condition and can easily cause it to spread to other parts of your body.
So the best thing to do is make a plan for your own self. Maps out things which help you cure psoriasis naturally, stick to your plan, and whenever you think about quitting remind yourself that why you started all this. Psoriasis up till now is a disease with no permanent cure available. But you can fight a way out of it and live a healthy life.
For more guidance on all natural cures for psoriasis [] you can read more here [].
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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Homeopathy Treatment for Psoriasis - The Best and Effective Medication

By Komuraiah Alkapally

Individuals who are affected by Psoriasis will face many problems and do not want to expose their skin to other people. Psoriasis is caused when the overreaction of the immune system takes place leading to inflammation and flakes. And, the disease is not endemic and cannot be spread from one person to another.
Psoriasis & its types
The skin of the people who were affected by Psoriasis gets provoked with red spots outlined by silvery and loose patches. In the worst case, the skin becomes itchy and supple with large patches. Psoriasis is categorized into five types such as Plaque, Guttate, Inverse, Pustular, and Erythrodermic.
Reasons behind the occurrence of Psoriasis
There is no particular reason for the occurrence of psoriasis. Studies stated that improper functioning of the Immune system is the main reason behind the occurrence of psoriasis in a majority of cases.
Our immune system is responsible to protect the body from pathogens, viruses, and toxic substances. An autoimmune reaction is caused when the immune system attacks a normal cell thinking it as a toxic substance.
The T-cells, a type of white blood cells are responsible for protecting the body against infections. But in the people affected by psoriasis, the T- cells attack healthy skin cells and release cytokines, especially tumor necrosis factor-alpha, which leads to inflammation.
What triggers Psoriasis?
The following are the few reasons that trigger psoriasis:
  1. Infections caused due to viral and bacteria
  2. Health disorders such as AIDS or Cancer
  3. Consumption of lithium, beta-blockers and anti-malaria drugs
  4. Alcohol intake
  5. Cuts or burns on the skin
  6. Stress

Diagnosis of Psoriasis
Diagnosis of Psoriasis entirely depends on its type. There is no a particular diagnostic procedure or blood test to diagnose the Psoriasis. Dermatologists usually diagnose the disease by examining the affected area of the skin and asking the patient about the signs and symptoms.
Dermatologists will take a sample of affected skin and analyze the type by using a microscope. A health care professional will take the details of your family members because Psoriasis can be caused due to the genetic reasons. Diagnosis of Psoriasis is required because you will be able to know the type and the precautions you need to undertake to keep Psoriasis under control.
Homeopathy Treatment for Psoriasis
Homeopathy is the effective treatment for Psoriasis, which has yielded successful results in many patients. Since many years, the treatment is deemed to be extremely effective and brought smiles on many faces of the people. Homeopathy treatment for psoriasis has the potential to trigger the body's natural healing capacity and bring back the attacked immune system to the normal condition. Since the disease is caused due to the overreaction of the immune system, homeopathy treatment rehabilitates the immune over-response and stops suppressing the immune system.
Homeopathy Remedies for Psoriasis
Homeopathy treatment adopts a curative therapy to cure Psoriasis in a natural and holistic manner. Also, the homeopathic remedies for psoriasis are highly diluted and do not pose any side effects. Its high dilute nature helps patients to prevent them against any toxicity. The medicines curb the rapid proliferation of skin cells and alleviate excessive scaling. Homeopathy treatment for psoriasis will regulate the severity of sores, lessen flare-ups, minimize disabilities, upholds long-term exoneration and enhances the quality of life. Furthermore, homeopathy treatment works by consigning the genetic tendencies. A good homeopath practitioner will examine and analyze the disease and prescribe the best homeopathy remedies that work best to cure the disease permanently. So, it is important to consult a good doctor while undertaking the homeopathy treatment for psoriasis.
Homeocare International Pvt. Ltd is a Chain of World Class Homeopathy Clinics spread across south India. It offers safe and effective Homeopathy treatment for Psoriasis.
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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Psoriasis Free in Two Months

By Diana Schreiber Murdoch

Where does it come from?
My dear dad has psoriasis. He wears long sleeve shirts in the summer because the breakouts look... nasty. He had to get a brush cut and give up his wavy, black haired, fierce Beethoven look, just so he could apply psoriasis medicated cream to the top of his itchy head. As I thought about it, I wondered if there was a natural way to deal with this itchy skin problem. I began to do a little research.
Dad's case is pretty mild compared to many of the pictures I reviewed. And still I know that he is always uncomfortable, hoping no one notices that he is always reaching to itch his head or arms.
I found information showing psoriasis lesions could be cleared up in as little as two months! The before and after pictures were astounding. Here is what I learned.
Psoriasis comes from inside the body. It is not caught from others. So we should ask, what are we putting into our bodies that is causing it. Indeed, psoriasis comes from eating the wrong foods. These foods cause toxins in the blood stream, and when the intestinal tract can no longer eliminate the amount of toxins in the blood, the skin is called upon to help as well. Toxins eliminated through the skin are the psoriasis lesions.
Five things to stay away from
#1. No Nightshades
Tomatoes and tomato products, sauces, ketchup
White Potatoes
#2. No Red Meat, and processed meats,
You may eat fish, (not shellfish) chicken and turkey, wild game and lamb.
#3. No Sweets and carbohydrates
No white sugar, white flour, fruit juices and citrus fruits.
You may have other fruits in moderation, 1 or two a day.
#4. No Alcohol, including beer
#5. No fried foods
What you may eat
80% should be green, leafy vegetables, lettuce, celery, spinach, kale, whatever is green and leafy.
20% can be chicken, turkey, fish, wild game and lamb.
Make tea from Slippery Elm Bark and also American Yellow Saffron that heal the gut.
Drink water and teas, 6 glasses a day.
Other help
Chiropractic adjustments to the 6th and 7th vertebrae activates the immune system, and helps the body to heal itself, including the intestines and the skin.
More about Dad
Do I think he can give up his beloved tomato sauces, peppers and beer? The jury is still out on that one. So I put it into a blunt, straight forward question that will hopefully help motivate him, and maybe even you, to make the right decision.
How badly do you want to be free from the horrible itching of psoriasis? The ugly skin eruptions? The discomfort, the embarrassment?
Now you know how to get rid of it. The rest is up to you.
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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Psoriasis and Stress - Not a Good Combination

By Ashish Kumar Agrawal

Psoriasis is a skin problem which is affecting more than 2% of the people in the world. Unfortunately, the modern medical science is yet to come out with the exact cause of psoriasis. In alternative medical treatments like Naturopathy, Homeopathy and Ayurveda also, health experts are still clueless. There is a long list of possible causes for psoriasis and stress is definitely one of them. It is the common experience of the majority of the people suffering from psoriasis that stressful days and events make their psoriasis worse. Whatever be the cause of stress - job, business, academics or personal relationships; every time their psoriasis responds in a negative way.
What is Stress
Stress is the body's response to various unfavorable incidents happening in the life. The response can be physical (shivering, trembling) or mental (depression, fear, anxiety) or both. The term "unfavorable incidents" refers to various changes in personal and professional life. It is natural to resist changes in life. Any individual would feel stressed when exposed to changes that would affect his life as a whole.
A short list of most common life events which can cause stress is:
� Pressure to improve job performance
� Job change/ job interview
� Sudden life threatening experience
� Performance to get good grades in academics
� Peer pressure/ social pressure
� Differences with your loved ones
� Any chronic health problem
How Stress affects Psoriasis
Chronic stress is a definite trigger for psoriasis. It results in hormonal imbalance, low energy levels and nutritional deficiency. It can upset your stomach, affect your food habits and increase the dependency on addictions like alcohol and smoking. All these factors would eventually affect your body immunity and we all know that psoriasis is an auto-immune disorder.
� Stress causes inflammation
Whenever you feel stressed, your body defends itself by sending out chemicals that cause inflammation. Chronic stress means severe inflammation, which can definitely worsen your psoriasis.
� Stress encourages bad food habits
Stress causes an urge for consuming junk foods rich in salt, sugar and saturated fats. Also, a number of times, you overeat to neutralize the impact of stress. Sometimes, it happens that you make a resolution of staying away from junk foods to improve your health and suddenly under a fierce attack of stress, you end up eating a large piece of hot dog and a can of Pepsi. Hence, stress encourages the consumption of ready to eat and highly processed junk foods which are not at all good for you if you are dealing with psoriasis.
� Stress disturbs your lifestyle
Chronic stress can cause sleep disorders (insomnia) and irregular food habits. Irregular food habits like skipping meals, overeating and eating in a hurried way would cause various digestion related issues like acid reflux, hyper acidity, indigestion and constipation. All these issues can increase the level of toxins in your body and affect your body immunity to worsen psoriasis. Similarly improper sleep can also trigger psoriasis.
� Stress can increase the consumption of alcohol and tobacco (smoking)
A lot of times, people used to take shelter under the umbrella of addictions like alcohol and smoking to pacify the high level of stress in their lives. The negative impact of alcohol and smoking on psoriasis is well acknowledged. Smoking is far bigger a culprit than alcohol for majority of the people having psoriasis.
� Stress weakens your body's defense system
When your body is under chronic stress, then the body's defense mechanism would be constantly overworking to keep various unhealthy foreign matters to attack you. If such a state of stress lasts for a longer time, then, eventually, your defense system would get impaired and almost give up. It would make you an easier target for various diseases causing viruses, fungi and bacteria to attack your body.
The vicious circle of Psoriasis and Stress
By now, we have understood that stress has a role to play in psoriasis development and flare up. But, the story is not that simple. Psoriasis itself also causes stress. When you have psoriasis patches on various parts of your body, then public staring and their questions are quite obvious. This can be quite a stressful condition to deal with. Hence, it becomes a vicious circle of stress and psoriasis which can prove very hard to get out of.
How to deal with stress
Luckily, there are healing techniques like yoga, meditation, relaxation and massage therapies which can help in dealing with stress. Not to forget, regular exercise can also play a very big role in stress management.
Accepting your problem helps in relieving stress
Running away from the problem or denying it never helps. It actually increases stress and anxiety. So, there is a need of accepting the problem wholeheartedly and then making the best possible efforts to heal it. Accepting the problem never means quitting. It simply means - I accept my problem, I am not shamed of it and now I would make sincere efforts to heal it. This positive attitude would help in reducing the psoriasis related stress tremendously.
You have learnt about the connection between psoriasis and stress. Just click here to know more about the holistic healing treatment of psoriasis. It involves a healthy psoriasis diet, positive changes in your overall lifestyle and stress free attitude towards life.
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Monday, July 17, 2017

5 Reasons to Choose Home Remedies for Psoriasis Treatment

By Maria Calire

There are a number of products and decisions for sufferers of psoriasis out there. You can find many choices to eliminate psoriasis such as topical agents, medication, systemic agents, or home remedies. All methods can help you curing the skin problems, however, you will be disappointed if you find the wrong way you cannot cure it permanently. You are wondering which preferences will be suitable for you, home remedies or other therapy.
Why you should choose home remedies over the opposite selections, we have 5 main reasons to discuss. First, home remedies are not expensive cost and you can get effectively at an equivalent time. If you realize the natural herbs and products around the home can help treating your psoriasis, you never want to spend much money on creams or medications.
What the second reason from natural home remedies can give you is that you can follow the best process and method in your own home with natural ingredients you can find to help you treat psoriasis according to the therapy. You can just gently rub lotion after showers and drink herb tea, or you can choose to have a bath with oatmeal, or changing diet, with the natural remedies there are many ways for treatment you can choose.
The third main reason you can find that there are not visit from the doctor. You maybe have or do not have health's insurance, and even with the insurance; a doctor's visit is often expensive. If you have time you can go to the doctor but if you do not have enough time, home remedies are a good way to save time for treatment.
The next reason is that a small number of side effects with natural home remedies. Side effects of the prescription medications severely affected parts of the body in case you use too much for long time. Home remedies are safer than for the result they have very little side effects to no side effects. Your purpose is to cure psoriasis rather than adding other diseases procession to the body.
The final reason is that you can control the time treatment and there is nothing to lose much, you are responsible for your treatment and creating the natural remedies your own, if the system you are following don't work well, you can stop using them immediately and your money will not run out of the wallet.
Psoriasis makes you losing confidence and difficulties in contact with others, it is not fun to have and the outbreaks can be unbearable, however, there are many things you can do to help yourself alleviate the symptoms and Home remedies are the best way to treat all Major causes of psoriasis permanently.
If you want to learn how to Cure your Psoriasis Easily, Naturally for a Normal Life and in the comfort of your own home View Here For Further Details []
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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Genital Psoriasis Treatment and Management

By Jane F Robinson

Genital psoriasis can emerge on the scrotum and the penis in men, and the labia in women.
Genital psoriasis is typically not flakey or scaly, but itchy and red.
Genital psoriasis treatment may comprise of moderately potent topical steroid hormones, but steroid hormones sooner or later will result in the skin to start thinning. Genital skin is thin; thus, it might be best to use non-steroidal creams for your genital psoriasis treatment, including Elidel, Protopic, and Dovonex. Another genital psoriasis treatment, which is known to work very well, is UVB phototherapy.
Using an emollient preceding sex can help to comfort the skin encircling the genitals, and to ease the itchiness for both - women and men.
Women and men using psoriasis lotions on their genitalia should cleanse the medicine off former to sexual contact; psoriasis medicines may negatively affect your sex partner, if these creams get inside the urethra or inside vagina.
Penile psoriasis is generally the most painful and uncomfortable genital psoriasis location.
The friction that your penis naturally experiences at the time of sex may cause discomfort, pain, and also to further aggravate the state of your penile psoriasis.
How Can You Go About Sex, Masturbation and Penile Psoriasis?
One of the helpful things is wearing a condom during sexual intercourse. Furthermore, the condom will also help you with masturbating, making you feel more comfortable.
Try applying a lubricant or an emollient former applying the condom on your penis. Condom will keep your skin lubricated, stop your skin from becoming further inflamed, resulting in making sex or masturbating less painful for you.
Note: most condoms may get damaged by oily substances, such as baby oil, making the condom unreliable and unsafe. Nonetheless, many companies produce special condoms, claimed to be very safe with their use together with any oil-based substance. For example, Durex condom called Avanti may be one of your choices.
If, for whatever reason, you do not use condoms, applying an emollient or lubricant prior sexual intercourse or masturbation will also make your skin feel more comfortable, both, for women and men.
Read more about Sex and Psoriasis [] here, or visit our free Psoriasis Dating Website []
I have been fighting psoriasis for 15 years - since my teenage years. During those years I have collected loads of information that helps me battle psoriasis and keep it under control.
I share hundreds of pages of unique information on psoriasis and various psoriasis treatments with other people on my website.
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Saturday, July 15, 2017

Psoriasis Treatment In Ayurveda

By Dr. Saurabh Sharma

Psoriasis is a non-infectious, inflammatory disease of the skin which is characterized by well-defined reddish plaques with large adherent silvery scales. The clinical symptom in psoriasis is an increased proliferation of the skin layers due to excessive division of the cell in the basal layers of the skin. Severe itching may associate with the plaques. Dryness of the skin and silvery scaling are characteristics of this condition.
As we know Ayurveda is based on the theory of Tridosha and Panchamahabhuta. A balanced state of the three elements namely vata, pitta and kapha are essential for normal body functions.
Skin is one of the most important organs of the body which protects the internal organs from environmental influences.
Health of the skin is also affected by factors like nutrition, hygiene, age, immunity, genetic factors and medications. Normal color, luster and softness of skin are maintained by tridoshas and hence the vitiation of tridoshas directly affects the beauty and integrity of skin. Decreased nutrition affects the quality of Rasa-Rakta leading to poor nourishment of further dhatus and skin leading to diseases.
Virudha ahara (incompatible diet) are certain combinations of food articles which hampers digestive power causing aggravation and accumulation of vitiated doshas in the blood which is the definite cause of skin disorders.
Psoriasis Causes: Psoriasis can be considered as the vitiation of Vata and Kapha. Accumulation of low potency poisons (Dooshi vishas), are the basic pathological changes taking place in the system. Irregular food habits, consumption of foodstuffs that cannot be eaten together (Eg: dairy products with fish), excessive intake of yogurt, black gram, seafood, sour and salted items etc can activate the pathogenesis. Alcohol and tobacco consumption will act as a catalyst here. Ayurveda do emphasize on the effect of stress in the pathogenesis of Psoriasis.
Psoriasis Treatment: Ayurveda aims at the detoxification of the body or elimination of toxins from the body fluids which is achieved by Panchakarma treatments.
This includes internal and external medications purely of plant origin. Rough outline of this schedule is as follows.
(I) Intake of medicated ghee as per the Dosha type of the Psoriasis and the prakruti of the person for 3 to 5 days.
(ii) Detoxification by inducing vomiting (Vamana) and purgation (Virechana). This is followed by medicated buttermilk dripping overhead (Dahara) and pasting the entire body with a paste of medicines and mud.
(iii) Bastis (medicated enemas) are being done for 8 days and internal medicines like herbal decoctions; medicated ghee has to be consumed for at least 30 days.
Psoriasis Diet: A strict diet regime has to be followed during the entire treatment period and it is better to continue as vegetarian.
Dietary Restrictions:
� Avoid acidic (sour) foods, citrus fruits (lemon, orange), apple, mango, grapes, tomato, pineapple, pickles, curd and buttermilk.
� No fruit jams, preserved juices or preserved foods.
� Avoid sweets, chocolates and paneer.
� No milk shakes, no fruit salad, no milk after eating fruits for half an hour
� Avoid all fermented food and all bakery food items.
� Avoid common table salt (rock salt in small quantities is okay).
� All non-vegetarian food should be avoided
� No cold drinks, ice creams, fast food (like pizzas), sauces and Ketchup.
� No dried fruits (except raisins and soaked almonds).
� No tobacco or alcohol.
� Avoid red chilies, green chilies, chili powder, garlic, onion, etc.
� No fried food items.
This article is written by Dr. Saurabh Sharma. he is a competent vaidya with extensive knowledge of Ayurvedic medicines. he is B.A.M.S. and PG in Hospital Management from Symbiosis Pune,and He has given Ayurvedic consultations in Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre, Thailand. He specializes in treating skin diseases and arthritis.
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Friday, July 14, 2017

A Natural Approach For Psoriasis Relief

By Jay Brachfeld, M.D.

I see patients almost daily with some form of psoriasis. For some people, psoriasis causes only occasional, mild irritation. But for others, this skin disease causes severe symptoms which are difficult to treat.
I remember one patient who had suffered since young adulthood. Other doctors had prescribed several different medications for him, all of which worked initially. But none of them provided consistent relief. He had also experienced nausea and fatigue as side effects. When I suggested a natural approach, he readily agreed.
Unfortunately, many conventional treatments give only temporary relief and often cause severe side effects, including liver damage. That's why I advise all of my psoriasis patients to try natural alternatives first, before starting drug treatments.
The Mysterious Nature of Psoriasis
People who suffer from psoriasis tend to have unpredictable cycles of flare-ups followed by periods of remission. Attacks are often triggered by certain situations such as infections, injury to the skin, stress, cold weather, smoking or particular drugs. Triggers vary from person to person.
During an attack, some of the skin cells develop too quickly and move to the surface of the skin rapidly. There, they build up, causing rough, red patches, often with silvery white scales. These patches may spread to cover larger and larger areas. They usually cause itching, and sometimes they bleed. Psoriasis can also affect the scalp or cause pitted or discolored nails. Some people develop a condition known as psoriatic arthritis, in which joints swell and stiffen.
Although scientists understand what happens during an attack, no one knows what causes psoriasis, and there is no accepted cure. Some researchers believe psoriasis may be related to a weak immune system, while others link it to an unhealthy, toxic colon.
But just because psoriasis isn't fully understood, doesn't mean you can't control it. Many of my patients have improved by following natural approaches. It's worth a try for you, too.
The Dietary Approach
Since psoriasis isn't an allergic reaction, you may not think that what you eat has much to do with your condition. On the contrary, diet is one of the first things I advise my patients to alter. It's not a cure but I believe you'll notice at least moderate improvement through a strict, modified diet.
Focus your meals on fresh fruits and vegetables, and eat them raw when possible. Add 100% whole grains for variety. These foods are loaded with antioxidants to strengthen your immune system. They also provide lots of fiber which will keep your colon cleansed of toxins. For extra fiber, try prunes, figs, apples and raisins.
Eliminate all saturated and hydrogenated fats. This means you will need to avoid red meat and dairy products. These two foods also contain a substance called arachidonic acid (AA) which promotes inflammation on the skin. You may eat poultry, and you should try to get several servings of cold-water fish each week. If you don't like fish, try fish oil or flaxseed oil. These two supplements will provide the omega-3 fatty acids necessary to reduce inflammation.
Other foods to avoid include fried foods, all processed foods, sugar and white flour. You'll also need to stay away from alcohol.
Stick to your regimen until your skin clears, and then continue your diet for at least three more months. Then begin introducing other foods back into your diet, one at a time, and if you begin to have flare-ups, go back to the diet.
This approach takes time, discipline and patience. But the possibility for relief is certainly worth your efforts, and you will not be at risk for drug side effects.
Natural Remedies to Soothe Your Symptoms
When you're miserable with a psoriasis attack, you need immediate relief. One of my favorite home remedies is a soothing lukewarm bath. Add to the water: 1 cup of apple cider vinegar plus 1 cup (combined) of rolled oats and cornstarch. You can also try Epsom salts or 2 teaspoons of ginger. After your bath, pat dry gently with a clean towel and follow with heavy moisturizer.
Many people find relief with over-the-counter hydrocortisone creams. Frequent use, however, can weaken the skin tissues. As an alternative, try castor oil or a mixture of olive oil and peanut oil. Rub directly into the skin.
You may want to include light therapy in your treatment. Expose the skin to natural sunlight for at least 15 minutes, but don't exceed 30 minutes. Any longer may damage the skin. Your doctor may recommend therapy with artificial ultraviolet light, as well.
Remember to keep the skin clean and moist, and try to avoid triggers. Make sure your friends and family understand that psoriasis often affects you emotionally, mentally and socially, especially if it occurs on prominent body areas. Depending on the severity of your case, you might find it helpful to find and join a support group for psoriasis sufferers.
If you need to take psoriasis medication I recommend starting with the milder treatments, such as topical cortisone creams, and moving on to stronger oral medicines. I'm sure your doctor will advise you safely.
Psoriasis can be difficult to treat. But don't give up hope.
Remember: You do have alternatives.
Jay Brachfeld, M.D.
Article Source:,_M.D./105912

Thursday, July 13, 2017

What to Do After Finding Out You Have Psoriasis

By Maria Calire

Most of the people do not realize they have psoriasis because they do not think this skin disease is more common. If you see your skin had some problem you should do some online research or get diagnosed by a dermatologist for finding out you have psoriasis or not.
When you get your diagnosis result that confirmed you have psoriasis, do you feel worried and sad about it? And do you think which options you must do now for treating it?
3 things you need to do after finding out you have psoriasis
The first thing you will do is remember the time you have the skin problem and find out what causes this disease. Figuring out the cause of your disease may be difficult. There is no one trigger of psoriasis and not everyone has the same source. Outbreaks can be caused by genetics, lifestyle, stress, the food you eat, the climate or medication.
You do not know which method will help you cure for psoriasis immediately, but if you can determine what brings on the outbreaks you can help yourself to stop the frequency.
Second thing, It's a good idea to write down the daily activities and keep it carefully when you receive the first diagnosis of psoriasis. It may take time at the beginning, but in the long run it would be helpful for your treatment.
When you look at the log of daily activities as well as seeing the outbreak happen, you can analyze a little what the main triggers of your skin disease. Time after time, you will discover the source of your psoriasis so that you can then take steps to avoid them.
Finally, If you feel an outbreak coming on you should find a relief as soon as possible. Do not scratch or rub heavily if you want to bleed. The relief can be found by applying the fragrance-free moisturizer to the skin. Take a mineral bath or olive oil. Use baking soda powder to paste and slather on the sore spots or wrap it wet.
You can gently rub Aloe Vera on the sore spots to ease the pain and inflammation. Lotion many times throughout the day is the most important activity you should do regularly to keep the skin is moisturized. It will help you prevent outbreaks and relieve the patches, dry areas.
Figuring out you have been diagnosed of psoriasis is the first step, since then you need to do something to help yourself relieving the disease momentarily. Moreover, you should find the right method to cure your psoriasis to get back the normal and healthy life.
If you want to learn how to Cure your Psoriasis Easily, Naturally for a Normal Life and in the comfort of your own home click here for further details []
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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Psoriasis - A Serious Skin Condition

By Jenetta Haim

Psoriasis is a serious skin condition which causes much distress. The skin is dry, red, cracking with sometimes silvery scales that shed everywhere and the round, raised, itchy spots can affect your scalp, elbows, knees, stomach, groin, almost anywhere.
It is stubborn but treatable and the key word here is persistence. It is not a condition that just appeared overnight and it will take a while for it to be under control. Watching what you eat can be an important factor in controlling psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a metabolic disease meaning it affects the whole body and the body is saturated with toxins. To eliminate toxins they must be expelled by the liver, filtered by the kidneys and leave the body either by the skin, urine or bowel. They can also be reduced by exercising which causes the body to perspire and by breathing deeply in fresh air. In the case of the psoriasis sufferer the body is that toxic that the skin becomes deeply affected and itchy leading to the psoriasis in the long-term.
In order for the psoriasis to calm down it is important not to have too many showers as this will irritate the psoriasis even further especially hot showers. Also don't use scented soaps in the area as the psoriasis will itch even more and spread. Mineral baths however can be calming on psoriasis and seawater is good on the affected areas so swimming is good if the water is clean. Also let the sun hit the area where the psoriasis mostly occurs to give it a good dose of natural Vitamin D but take care not to burn the skin and if the psoriasis begins to become too red then go back indoors.
Regarding healthy eating it becomes important to put foods into the body that will create fewer toxins, help in expelling toxins and build up the general immunity of the person so they can fight the psoriasis. Emphasis needs to be on raw seeds and nuts especially sesame seeds, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds. Also eat plenty of raw vegetables and fruits. Cold pressed vegetable oils are also important such as sesame and flaxseed oil. Avoid saturated animal fat found in pork, milk, butter and eggs as all these create toxins and the toxins will spread the psoriasis even further through the body. Try not to eat refined or processed foods or those containing fat or white sugars which are not good for any of us let alone someone who has itchy, irritated psoriasis throughout their body. Also avoid citrus fruit especially juices but cranberry or apple juice is tolerable. If you are not prone to sinus or intolerant to yoghurt or cheese then you can have yoghurt or natural cottage cheeses as a dessert without it causing harm.
Helpful supplements for psoriasis from the standpoint of building up the immune system are Vitamins E and A, Lecithin, a Calcium magnesium supplement, Vitamin F (essential fatty acids found in flaxseed, sesame seed or soy oil), B complex, Brewers yeast, Kelp, Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids, Whey powder and trace minerals as in seawater. Good juices to drink are carrot, beet, cucumber, grapes and black currant but always remember to have half juice and half water due to the sugar content of juices being way too high if they are drunk on their own.
Remember with psoriasis it is important to cleanse the liver however do not begin to do this until you are sure that your bowel is working properly. No point in cleansing a liver into a clogged bowel that does not function. So to expel the toxins associated with psoriasis, or any toxins for that matter, you need to drink plenty of water - up to 2 litres a day, take a probiotic and prebiotic so the digestion is working properly, clean out the bowel with a bowel cleanse and then clean out and strengthen the liver. At the same time to help with psoriasis it becomes important to raise your immunity.
However if all the above is not done in balance then you will not assimilate the nutrients from your food or your supplements and you will still be battling psoriasis in years to come. That is why you need to consult a practitioner who can guide you through your personal, natural health program in how to handle psoriasis. A practitioner who can also take into account the mental and emotional impact of living with psoriasis for the length of time you have and can also help you to heal mentally and emotionally as well as physically.
Jenetta Haim runs Stressfree Management (R) at Greystanes in Sydney, Australia. Jenetta specializes in assisting your health and lifestyle in all areas by developing programs on either a corporate or personal level to suit your needs. Contact Jenetta now for her to assist you with your personal or corporate needs. Email For more information check out the website at
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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Cure Psoriasis And Beat It the Natural Way!

By Michelle Lehan

Looking for help from psoriasis can be a long lasting-journey. You can hunt all over the place for the ideal cure and never entirely discover it. There are a lot of medicines, creams, glues, gels, and salves out there, however they don't generally work and they can be pricey. It gets tedious and costly to spot a salve everywhere throughout the body a few times each day or take a pill consistently. The vast majority simply need something that is snappy, basic, shoddy, and works.
There are things you can begin accomplishing for yourself that may help with psoriasis and moderate down the onset of another flare-up. There are things you can change around the house that don't cost you an additional penny.
In your home, attempt to locate the ideal temperature. Flare-ups can be brought about by changes in the climate or temperatures in your own particular home. Going from one extreme to the next is never a good thing. Gradually let your body conform to hotter temperatures or colder ones. An excessive amount of sweat on the body, can prompt bothering and tingling which prompts scratching which can bring about skin wounds which will prompt flare ups. More often than not your time is spent at home or in the workplace, so ensure you have both spots set at your ideal temperature. It can require some investment to find that temperature and other individuals may need to change in accordance with it yet it will help you over the long haul. Temperature control might be less demanding at home than it is grinding away.
Apply cream frequently amid the day. The cream ought to be of good quality and aroma free. Rank salve, the great aromas, is a most loved among ladies, however it can really chafe the skin. Stay away from the pricey expensive natural lotions and oils and choose one that offers a decent measure of dampness. Never forget to moisturize your body after you shower or bath to keep that dampness secured.
Switch to all-natural products. This implies all that you use from hand cleanser to cosmetics ought to be fragrant free and all regular. Search for items that are hypoallergenic and are without a worry in the world of aggravations. Change your clothing cleanser to a liberated sort brand.So don't let your skin attack your
self-esteem anymore get up and beat psoriasis now!
Michelle Lehan has been a Registered Nurse and PSW now for 2 years and has great knowledge of the human body health needs, cures and remedies for more information please visit our website!
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Getting To The Bottom Of Psoriasis And Stress

By Terry Robbins Stress is toxic. It will rob you of your piece of mind and your health. While not the cause of many diseases an...