Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Psoriasis Free in Two Months

By Diana Schreiber Murdoch

Where does it come from?
My dear dad has psoriasis. He wears long sleeve shirts in the summer because the breakouts look... nasty. He had to get a brush cut and give up his wavy, black haired, fierce Beethoven look, just so he could apply psoriasis medicated cream to the top of his itchy head. As I thought about it, I wondered if there was a natural way to deal with this itchy skin problem. I began to do a little research.
Dad's case is pretty mild compared to many of the pictures I reviewed. And still I know that he is always uncomfortable, hoping no one notices that he is always reaching to itch his head or arms.
I found information showing psoriasis lesions could be cleared up in as little as two months! The before and after pictures were astounding. Here is what I learned.
Psoriasis comes from inside the body. It is not caught from others. So we should ask, what are we putting into our bodies that is causing it. Indeed, psoriasis comes from eating the wrong foods. These foods cause toxins in the blood stream, and when the intestinal tract can no longer eliminate the amount of toxins in the blood, the skin is called upon to help as well. Toxins eliminated through the skin are the psoriasis lesions.
Five things to stay away from
#1. No Nightshades
Tomatoes and tomato products, sauces, ketchup
White Potatoes
#2. No Red Meat, and processed meats,
You may eat fish, (not shellfish) chicken and turkey, wild game and lamb.
#3. No Sweets and carbohydrates
No white sugar, white flour, fruit juices and citrus fruits.
You may have other fruits in moderation, 1 or two a day.
#4. No Alcohol, including beer
#5. No fried foods
What you may eat
80% should be green, leafy vegetables, lettuce, celery, spinach, kale, whatever is green and leafy.
20% can be chicken, turkey, fish, wild game and lamb.
Make tea from Slippery Elm Bark and also American Yellow Saffron that heal the gut.
Drink water and teas, 6 glasses a day.
Other help
Chiropractic adjustments to the 6th and 7th vertebrae activates the immune system, and helps the body to heal itself, including the intestines and the skin.
More about Dad
Do I think he can give up his beloved tomato sauces, peppers and beer? The jury is still out on that one. So I put it into a blunt, straight forward question that will hopefully help motivate him, and maybe even you, to make the right decision.
How badly do you want to be free from the horrible itching of psoriasis? The ugly skin eruptions? The discomfort, the embarrassment?
Now you know how to get rid of it. The rest is up to you.
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