Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Common Facts About Psoriasis Skin Condition

By Imma Sila

Psoriasis is a skin ailment that is peculiar to the person who acquires it and is considered by dermatologists to be an immune system disease. Although persons who have this disease usually have red marks on the skin and lesions, the disease is not in any way contagious. The condition occurs when the immune system is triggered causing skin cells to reproduce at an abnormal rate. The abnormal growth rate of skin cells coupled with certain immune reactions causes the flaky skin that persons with psoriasis usually have.
Given that, the condition is unique to each individual that has it and only genes and immune reactions play a role in its occurrence it is therefore impossible for one individual to transfer it to another. It can occur in any individual at any age but is more prevalent in Caucasians than dark skinned people and in persons between the age of 9 and 35.
Psoriasis can occur on any part of the body but is most common on the chest, knees and elbows and on the scalp. Other regions include the palms and soles, genitals and the face. A common indicator that the skin condition is psoriasis is the facts that the inflammation and lesions usually occur symmetrically. This means on similar regions but on the right and left sides of the body. One can identify the condition given the skin's appearance but a test by a dermatologist is mandatory for positive diagnosis of the condition.
Usually the doctor takes a piece of skin from the affected patients and examines it under a microscope. The condition cannot be identifies through any other method so be wary of doctors who may require you to do additional tests. This may be a method to extort money from you or is an indication they may be quacks. Ensure you make an informed decision before consenting to take a blood test or any other test.
Once a positive diagnosis is given, the doctor and the patient embark on treatment variations to find the one that works for the patient. This is because there is not singular treatment for the condition. Since it is unique to each person that acquires it with regard to triggers, the treatment methods also differ. The good news is there are many treatment options available from ointments to natural remedies. Although the condition has no cure, once you find a treatment option that works, the psoriasis can clear after some time. Once this happens the patient will be placed on a regiment of treatments to prevent it being triggered back.
We provide the best info about treatment of psoriasis. For further details please visit the provided links.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Imma_Sila/1476631

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