By Joseph Hood
Stress does happen and as we know it can greatly affect us emotionally and physically. It is one of the most important triggers for psoriasis and psoriasis flare-ups.
The first thing we need to do is recognize the negative stress factors in our lives and how much time and energy we spend each day worrying or dealing with them. When you are aware of the sources of stress in your life, you need to increase your relaxation time. Remember, it is all about balance!
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Given the fact that most of us spend most of the day sitting at our jobs, we need to learn to relax our bodies. Proper relaxation is often ignored. We can recharge our bodies by following a few of these simple tips:
1. Breathing Exercises
Oxygenating the blood in our body will relax our muscles. Do deep breathing exercises by breathing deeply through your nose ad exhaling through your mouth. This can be accomplished in as little as 30 seconds or as much as 30 minutes. For added stress relief, visualize the tension and stress leaving your body with each breath.
2. Progressive Relaxation
Tense up all of the muscle groups in your body and then relax them. You can start with your face and neck and work your way down the muscle groups of your body: shoulders, arms, chest, back, abdominals, etc. Each muscle group can be tensed for about 10 seconds and then completely relaxed for 10 seconds.
3. Eat Smart and Exercise
Avoid excessive caffeine and refined sugars. These can cause severe spikes in blood sugar and leave you feeling jittery.
Exercise is the best-known, scientifically proven way to significantly reduce stress. It is a good distraction from our daily tasks and stresses. Exercise releases endorphins that help boost our mood. A healthy body can handle stress much better.
4. Relax Your Mind
Avoid negativity. Make the most out of every situation. When things are not going well, step back and look at the bigger picture. There are always setbacks on the path to achieving larger goals.
Use positive self-talk. Repeat short, powerful statements to yourself throughout the day (like "I am calm and can cope with this situation"). These positive and believable statements can train your subconscious and have a powerful impact on your outlook.
Relax! Enjoy! Manage your time and engage in activities you love to do whether it is listening to music, writing or playing video games.
Laughter really is the best medicine! A good laugh has multiple health benefits from relieving stress and pain to strengthening your immune system.
Did you know the following?
A good laugh relieves stress and leaves your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes
When laughing there is a 27% increase of beta-endorphines, the brain chemicals that boost happiness and fight depression.
Watching a funny movie you can boost your immune system activity by 26.5%.
Laughing causes a 39% reduction in the stress hormone cortisol.
People who laugh are less likely to develop persistent health conditions such as psoriasis.
The following tips will help you to stay happy and healthy:
Smile - Like laughter, it is an infectious happy expression.
Be Thankful - Always recognize the good things in life and find humor in your day.
Focus on the Funny - Talk about funny things that have happened to you, your friends or family. It gives everyone a chance to laugh together.
Laugh off Setbacks - If you are stuck in a bad situation, look for the humor in it and look ahead.
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