Sunday, August 20, 2017

Getting To The Bottom Of Psoriasis And Stress

By Terry Robbins

Stress is toxic. It will rob you of your piece of mind and your health. While not the cause of many diseases and conditions including psoriasis, it is a contributing factor because it is so damaging to the body physically and emotionally. Psoriasis and stress is something to consider if you can't seem to get a break from psoriasis flare-ups.
Stress is a part of life and can even be considered a good thing if it spurs you on to achieve your goals, take and complete a class, get healthy, etc. We all have to deal with some level of stress about financial obligations, kids, deadlines, job pressures, emotional issues, etc.
Stress only becomes a problem when it turns into chronic stress. It is normal to be stressed out about completing a term paper, work deadline, etc. But at some point this stress should be relieved such as when the term paper is completed and turned in, when you meet your work deadline or get an extension, etc.
Being stressed out day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year is a recipe for disaster.
When faced with a stressful situation, your body will go into a "fight or flight" state when it releases certain stress hormones. This will cause;
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Sweaty palms
  • Rapid breathing
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Digestion will stop
  • Rigid muscles
  • Fats and sugars being released into the bloodstream increasing blood glucose levels and cholesterol, etc.

In ancient times, there would be fighting or fleeing going on in stressful situations. In the modern world however, the "flight or fight" response by the body is redundant since most stressors such as financial worries and so forth, do not require this type of response. However, this response by the body to stress continues to occur anytime you are stressed out.
If this response is not constant, it will not be a problem, when you are dealing with chronic stress however, it becomes a problem and can be a contributing factor to most is not all diseases and conditions such as;
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Weakened immune system
  • Diabetes
  • Belly fat
  • Headaches
  • Ulcers
  • Digestive problems
  • Asthma
  • PMS
  • Sleep disorders
  • Hair loss
  • Etc

Stress and the Brain
Stress will exhaust your organs including your brain by actually shrinking your brain. The part of the brain that will be affected by chronic stress is the structure known as the hippocampus which is important for memory.
Stress is able to shrink this structure by decreasing or shrinking the existing cells. Tons of research validates this brain shrinkage due to stress. And this structure in the brain is usually the first place to be damaged when Alzheimer's disease is at play.
You CANNOT afford to live with chronic stress!!!
Stress and Psoriasis
As mentioned previously, chronic stress is a contributing factor for many diseases and conditions and this includes psoriasis. Stress has been identified as one of the common triggers for the various symptoms of psoriasis.
Chronic stress can be a contributing factor in making psoriasis worse. In people who are predisposed to psoriasis, chronic stress can be the trigger needed for a flare-up.
A study in the UK also showed that chronic stress can interfere with and delay the healing process. Chronic stress can affect the ability of being able to respond favorably or quickly to treatment methods for psoriasis such as light therapy.
Fighting psoriasis will require you to take a closer look at your stress levels and learn to manage stress effectively. It is impossible to have no stress at all but it is how you respond to stress that will be the difference between health and ill health.
Stress Management
If you suffer from chronic stress, learning to manage stress so that it does not affect your health and lead to psoriasis flareups requires that you first identify the triggers which could be any of the following;
  • Financial pressures
  • Family and relationships
  • Work pressures
  • Major life changes
  • Pessimistic attitude
  • Unrealistic goals and expectations of yourself
  • Being a perfectionist and so on and so forth

The next step is to evaluate your response to stress. Do you;
  • Have a rapid heartbeat
  • Freeze
  • Suffer from insomnia or sleep too much
  • Become agitated
  • Need to drink or smoke to relax (which actually worsens stress)
  • Withdraw or become unusually quiet
  • Avoid the issue
  • Display a lack of concentration
  • Become negative
  • Become depressed
  • Have mental fatigue
  • Become hostile
  • Become lethargic and so on and so forth

Knowing how you respond to stress will help you determine when you are under stress so that you can learn to manage it and avoid flare-ups and many of the other effects of chronic stress.
When you notice that you are dealing with an overload of stress, it is important to be proactive in the presence of excessive stress. Stress management is all about eliminating the stressful situation or minimizing it. Stress management is also about learning to relax or not being so consumed with the stressful situation.
This can be accomplished through;
  • Prayer
  • Deep breathing exercises (stress and deep breathing cannot coexist)
  • Aromatherapy treatments
  • Massage
  • Stress reducing exercises
  • Meditation
  • Biofeedback
  • Visualization techniques
  • Yoga, etc

Identifying stressors may also require you to modify your behaviors such as avoiding work overload or avoiding taking on too many responsibilities, ensuring that you eat a proper diet filled with fruits and vegetables, avoiding alcohol, eliminating smoking, caffeine, unhealthy fats and sugars, creating a budget (and sticking to it!) etc.
Aromatherapy is a great way to relieve stress and there are certain essential oils that are used such as lavender, rose, chamomile, frankincense, orange, etc, that can help you relax and calm down when stressed.
Some essential oils can also help you recharge as well as revitalize and stimulate you in addition to helping to boost your immune system.
The use of aromatherapy baths, massage oils, inhalants, skin, hair and body treatments and so forth, can be a great way to not only pamper oneself but also relieve stress.
Psoriasis and stress are connected. If you do not get a handle on stress, stress will handle you. You will deal with psoriasis flare-ups after psoriasis flare-ups with no relief in sight if stress is not managed. For an aromatherapy recipe for stress relief as well as using herbs for stress management visit
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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Psoriasis, A Harmful Skin Disease

By Mihir Kumar Manu

People, who suffer from a chronic disease, can't make themselves happy in this earth. A healthy man finds himself set with the circumstances, he is bestowed. One should prefer to be preventative rather than be susceptible to any chronic diseases. Being infected with a harmful disease, one would only be having problems to get rid of it. Among all injurious skin diseases, Psoriasis is one, which sometimes proves to be quite distressing, as it equally impairs one's personality externally and internally.
Psoriasis is found, when the cells of one's skin get bigger suddenly. The body resistance can't prohibit cells growing at random. The body can't cast off these superfluously developed skin cells; let them amass on the exterior skin to have lesions ultimately. More than 5.5 million people of the earth are now made victim to this skin disease.
Grounds of Psoriasis:-
Psoriasis is no doubt a dangerous disease; but is certainly not a contagious one, which even does not make any harm to the people come close to the victim. Scientists agree to a conception that says when the immune method and genes of one's body fail, T cells (A variety of white blood cells), which protect external and harmful bacteria and viruses, erroneously, spark off an effect on the skin cells. Due to this effect, new cells are seen in the body instantly, and these new cells cause Psoriasis on the skin.
Though, any permanent solution has not yet been met with the inventions of medical science so far, the following treatment processes may be tried out to help a victim.
Topical Treatments:
Very often doctors prescribe corticosteroids or steroids for people suffer from mild to moderate Psoriasis. Different forms of these steroids are foam, lotion, cream, ointment, etc.
General Drugs:
When a case of acute Psoriasis is found, the following drugs may be used in accordance with the advice of a good skin specialist.
Biological Drugs:
These are the drugs made from living organisms; sometimes, prove effective for victims of Psoriasis.
This is an ultraviolet and laser treatment process. It sometimes helps cure this harmful skin disease.
Homeopathic and Ayurvedic treatment:
This treatment often helps victims of Psoriasis to find a permanent solution for the disease.
A victim of Psoriasis should never be frustrated and is to be fearless enough to fight against this disease, as there is a definite solution available for him or her in this flourishing age.
Article written by Mihir Kumar, a web content writer, who mainly writes articles on health, education, science, products and current affairs. He always loves to share interesting facts with his readers on the said subjects.
Article Source:,-A-Harmful-Skin-Disease&id=7944607

Friday, August 18, 2017

Alternative Medicine for Psoriasis

By Daniel Fraser

Psoriasis is a noncontagious, skin disease that is caused by an overreaction of the body's own immune system, which speeds up the growth and life cycle of skin cells. Usually, a skin cell matures and falls off the body's surface in about 30 days. However, a psoriatic skin cell takes only three to four days to mature and move to the surface. Instead of falling off, extra skin cells build up on the skin's surface forming "plaques" which appear red, flaky and scaly that are often itchy and painful.
The plaques vary in size from being minute papules to sheets covering larger parts of the body. Not only does the disease affect knees, skin behind the ears or scalp, but it also affects the underarms and genital areas.
Common triggers that aggravate and precipitate the outbreak of psoriasis are severe stress, trauma or injury, severe illnesses such as strep throat, and change in diet.
Psoriasis is considered incurable, therefore treatment and medicine is focused on reducing or controlling the symptoms of psoriasis. Following are some non-prescription remedies for psoriasis.
Food Remedies for psoriasis
Psoriasis is a metabolic disease, therefore it is very useful to follow a well-balanced diet. Include foods with zinc: seafood, meat, seeds, and cooked dried beans, peas and lentils; beta carotene: sweet potato, kale, carrots, turnip greens, mustard greens, and spinach; vitamin D: cod liver oil, fish, fortified cereals, oysters, and caviar; and omega-3 fatty acids: salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel, sardines and herring.
Soluble fiber such as pectin, guar gum, and psyllium are very useful for binding toxins. However, you should also eat things like flaxseed oils, folic acids (present in bok choy, beets, chick peas, turkey, peas, and oranges). Foods that aggravate psoriasis are spicy foods and liver and other organ meats.
Homeopathy remedies
There are multiple homeopathic medicines available in capsules, ointments, and oils: arsenicum iodatum, graphites, calcarea carbonica, mezereum, mercurius solubilis, sepai, staphysagria, sulphur, rhus toxicodendron, and petroleum.
Other psoriasis remedies
Many non-prescription medications contain natural and herbal ingredients which are known to help soften and restore skin problems. You can use aloe Vera extract in a topical application (apply three times a day and do not cover). You can also use essential oils like avocado oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, cashew nut oil, Vitamin E, oatmeal, and buttermilk as homemade remedies.
Sunshine on the skin can clear up mild cases of psoriasis. The sun helps kill surface skin cells more quickly and this helps them shed faster.
To learn more about the different types of alternative medicine available, visit [] where you'll find this and much more, including information on holistic health and healing.
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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Alternative Medicine for Psoriasis

By Daniel Fraser

Psoriasis is a noncontagious, skin disease that is caused by an overreaction of the body's own immune system, which speeds up the growth and life cycle of skin cells. Usually, a skin cell matures and falls off the body's surface in about 30 days. However, a psoriatic skin cell takes only three to four days to mature and move to the surface. Instead of falling off, extra skin cells build up on the skin's surface forming "plaques" which appear red, flaky and scaly that are often itchy and painful.
The plaques vary in size from being minute papules to sheets covering larger parts of the body. Not only does the disease affect knees, skin behind the ears or scalp, but it also affects the underarms and genital areas.
Common triggers that aggravate and precipitate the outbreak of psoriasis are severe stress, trauma or injury, severe illnesses such as strep throat, and change in diet.
Psoriasis is considered incurable, therefore treatment and medicine is focused on reducing or controlling the symptoms of psoriasis. Following are some non-prescription remedies for psoriasis.
Food Remedies for psoriasis
Psoriasis is a metabolic disease, therefore it is very useful to follow a well-balanced diet. Include foods with zinc: seafood, meat, seeds, and cooked dried beans, peas and lentils; beta carotene: sweet potato, kale, carrots, turnip greens, mustard greens, and spinach; vitamin D: cod liver oil, fish, fortified cereals, oysters, and caviar; and omega-3 fatty acids: salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel, sardines and herring.
Soluble fiber such as pectin, guar gum, and psyllium are very useful for binding toxins. However, you should also eat things like flaxseed oils, folic acids (present in bok choy, beets, chick peas, turkey, peas, and oranges). Foods that aggravate psoriasis are spicy foods and liver and other organ meats.
Homeopathy remedies
There are multiple homeopathic medicines available in capsules, ointments, and oils: arsenicum iodatum, graphites, calcarea carbonica, mezereum, mercurius solubilis, sepai, staphysagria, sulphur, rhus toxicodendron, and petroleum.
Other psoriasis remedies
Many non-prescription medications contain natural and herbal ingredients which are known to help soften and restore skin problems. You can use aloe Vera extract in a topical application (apply three times a day and do not cover). You can also use essential oils like avocado oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, cashew nut oil, Vitamin E, oatmeal, and buttermilk as homemade remedies.
Sunshine on the skin can clear up mild cases of psoriasis. The sun helps kill surface skin cells more quickly and this helps them shed faster.
To learn more about the different types of alternative medicine available, visit [] where you'll find this and much more, including information on holistic health and healing.
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Monday, August 14, 2017

Treatment for Scalp Psoriasis

By Stacy Merry Scott

Unfortunately, the cause of psoriasis is not known and this in itself makes it difficult to treat. It most often is evident on the trunk of the body and the scalp as well. It's recognized by various sizes of red patches that are covered with a layer of dry silver colored scales.
At first you may be thinking that it's just dandruff that you are suffering from. You will be able to tell the difference because dandruff affects the entire scalp whereas scalp psoriasis only affects areas in patches. It used to be thought that this condition once it affected the scalp would cause hair loss, but this is not the case.
The first step to getting the proper treatment is recognizing you have scalp psoriasis and then getting it properly diagnosed. From here, there are several treatment options. In some cases, it has been said that the UV rays from the sun or sun beds may be beneficial. This is something that has to be approached with extreme caution. Overdoing it can actually make the condition much worse.
Unfortunately, there is not just one treatment that can be totally relied on for the cure of scalp psoriasis. There are many types of treatments that seem to work well in some and not in others.
Most often some type of topical treatment will be given. These are creams or lotions that are applied and they may be corticosteroids, or tar creams just to name a few. One of the issues with psoriasis is that the lesions are thick and must be reduced in order for the treatments to be effective they must be thinned down. Ideally, the topical treatment should be a lotion, liquid or a gel. Creams and ointment-based products are far too difficult to apply to the scalp as it gets entangled with the hair.
Quite often, these types of treatments will start to work within a two-week period. The other topical treatments vary. For example, treatments that are a derivative of vitamin D usually take up to two months to start working. They in many cases though are safer to use than the steroids and the results are more long term. The downside is that it can be irritating to the skin.
The retinoid treatments, which are based on vitamin A, are also quite successful, but can be an irritant as well. These treatments should not be used by pregnant women.
On occasion oral treatments will be used but not too often. This is more readily used when the psoriasis is just not responding to any of the topical treatments. They may also be used if the itch is out of control. When this is the case, there is a chance of infection from scratching, so attempts have to be made to get it into control.
For More About Information Hair Loss Treatment or Services Visit At:-
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Saturday, August 12, 2017

Coping With Itchy Penis Skin: Soothe Psoriasis With Shea Butter

By John Dugan

Men who suffer from psoriasis often have to deal with the uncomfortable itching, flaking and red skin patches that come with this chronic condition. It is an uncomfortable and, at times, embarrassing problem, and as if itching, flaking arms weren't bad enough, some men even develop patches of red, itchy penis skin.
When it comes to the delicate skin of the penis, some men may be hesitant to use steroid creams or other types of medications that are typically used in treating this issue, so what other options are available? Fortunately, there are natural options to help reduce symptoms of penis psoriasis and keep the penis healthy; these are something any man can feel good about using.
Is below the belt itching always psoriasis?
Some men may struggle with below the belt itching and wonder if their symptoms warrant a diagnosis of psoriasis. While it is a good idea to make a trip to the dermatologist to get any persistent itching or skin condition checked out, here are the symptoms that may indicate psoriasis is present:
  1. Skin flaking;
  2. Inflammation and redness of the skin;
  3. Thick patches of skin that may be red, white or silvery in color;
  4. Rash-like appearance that may easily bleed if scratched or rubbed;
  5. A few red bumps that spread out into larger patches;
  6. Flare-ups triggered by stress, medications, smoking or drinking alcohol.

Because many of these symptoms can indicate numerous problems, it really is best to get a professional opinion before embarking on a course of treatment.
What are the treatment options for psoriasis?
Depending on the severity of the condition, there are numerous treatments that a doctor may recommend. Many patients may need to try different options to find the best course of treatment for them.
  • Topical Treatments: Some men find relief from itching and redness by using topical steroid creams or ointments. These creams include ingredients such as: salicylic acid, retinoids, coal tar, and anthralin, which in some cases men find irritating to the penis skin.
  • Phototherapy: A common treatment for moderate to severe psoriasis is phototherapy, which uses special UVA or UVB lights in a carefully controlled setting to help clear up the lesions. Some patients experience negative side effects from this treatment type, including increased risk of skin cancer.
  • Laser Therapy: This type of treatment uses specialized lasers to treat patches of psoriasis on the skin without involving healthy skin. Though the side effects and risks may be lower than that of phototherapy, some men are still skittish when it comes to having a laser pointed at their penis.
  • Oral Medication: For individuals who have severe psoriasis, oral medication may be needed. Psoriasis is the result of an overactive immune system, which is what oral medications seek to target. Many medications come with serious side effects, making them a last-resort option for treatment.
  • Natural Remedies: Given the number of side effects and risks that can come with pharmaceutical treatments for psoriasis, many men seek natural treatments and remedies - particularly when it comes to their most sensitive skin - the penis skin. Natural options include products containing tea tree oil, oatmeal baths, aloe, Shea butter, and vitamin E.

Soothing Penis Skin Care
Men wishing to go the natural route may benefit from selecting a specially-formulated penis vitamin cream which contains Shea butter, vitamin E and other carefully selected nutrients to keep the penis healthy (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Using such a product daily can help reduce psoriasis symptoms and keep them at bay, which can add up to clear and healthy penis skin in no time. Not only can a penis oil improve the health of the skin, the rich moisturizing cream also soothes on contact to relieve itchy, irritated skin.
Visit for more information about treating common penis health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of penis sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.
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Friday, August 11, 2017

How to Cure Psoriasis Fast

By Jesse A West

To date, no one actually knows whether Psoriasis is an infection or an allergy. Basically, it is an extremely mysterious disease. It has been believed that nearly 35% of its patients have a family history of Psoriasis and for the remaining patients sedentary lifestyle, alcoholism, and weight issues are the major causes.
Like any other bacterial disease, Psoriasis too has a treatment and medication that can relieve the patient from this disease in a short duration of time. Both medical and natural remedies work for Psoriasis. The choice of treatment depends entirely on your preference. The following are a few ways to cure Psoriasis fast:
Topical solution: Many topical solutions are available to cure Psoriasis, some of them being moisturizers, petroleum jelly and Epsom salt. These creams and moisturizers help to curb the itching and dryness of the infected areas and relieve the patient from Psoriasis. Numerous varieties of ointments and creams in this category reduce inflammation and clear the infected skin quickly.
Special blends of oil: Many people have experienced relieve from Psoriasis by using mixture of specific oils on infected area. Coal tar and dandruff shampoos are also considered to be worth a try when treating Psoriasis.
Changes in lifestyle: Yes, a few basic changes in one's lifestyle can help to cure Psoriasis at a fast rate. Various studies conducted from time to time suggest that a healthy lifestyle is the key to get rid of Psoriasis. Low energy, vegetarian diet with special component of fish oil is considered to be extremely beneficial in treating Psoriasis. To cure Psoriasis, one needs to quit smoking and alcohol on priority basis.
Systematic treatment: The other way of treating Psoriasis effectively is taking medicines orally or by injecting. The systematic treatment of Psoriasis consists of Methotrexate, Cyclosporine and Retinoid. A relatively new drug known as biologics are also given as a part of systematic treatment these days. These are proteins that interrupt the process of faulty immune system that cause Psoriasis.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E is considered to be highly beneficial for skin. Hence, a person suffering from Psoriasis can take vitamin E in the form of capsules or apply creams containing vitamin E.
Natural ways of combating Psoriasis consist of:
Frequently exposing infected body to sun helps combat Psoriasis.
Chamomile tea is also considered an extremely effective way to cure Psoriasis as helps calm your skin.
Researchers believe that controlling levels of anxiety and stress helps in curing Psoriasis quickly.
So, there are many ways in which Psoriasis can cured quickly, just make sure to complete one type of medication before going on to the other option.
Let us know what you think about the article and if you need help with treating your psoriasis today!
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Thursday, August 10, 2017

Managing Psoriasis Is Not Rocket Science

By Nina Jensen

Your health is a direct reflection of your lifestyle now. If your psoriasis suddenly becomes worse, it is possible that your current lifestyle is affecting how your body is able to balance and heal itself.
Ask yourself: 'am I treating my body and mind right with the way I live?'
Maybe you need to lessen the stress on your body that has been brought about by a bad lifestyle.
  • Smoking is bad for anybody, but it is even worse when you are a psoriasis sufferer!
  • What are you eating? Diet plays a very important role in keeping psoriasis at bay. No more fast food, but slow food instead, cooked by yourself at home. One of the fastest ways that you can clean up your tissues and cells is by eating whole, natural foods. Lean, organic meats are a must, but you must also start eating more vegetables and fruits. You don't have to eat raw vegetables; cook them anyway you like (but less oil, please) and make them an integral part of your daily diet.
  • What are you drinking? Avoid soda's and alcohol! Drink herbal teas instead, and a lots of water of course...
  • Sleep has a large bearing on your psoriasis, because less sleep means more stress on the body. Get at least six hours of sleep every night, and don't settle for less.
  • What are you doing about stress? That's another well-known trigger that can cause more itchy flare-ups. Stress should not stick to you. You have to get rid of it. You can't always avoid the stressors, but you can always do something to relief the stress. Find a method to unstress that works for you and make that a routine in your daily program.

So it really bottles down to choosing a steady and stable lifestyle.
Maybe that sounds boring? Think about what you gain instead!
It's like stopping with smoking. It becomes easier when you focus on the benefits of not smoking! And after a while you get so used to it, that you can't even imagine lighting up a cigarette...
That is more or less the same with adjusting your life to psoriasis.
It simply takes effort, discipline and dedication.
If you want to keep the flare-ups down to a minimum, you will simply have to follow this path of discipline, there is no way around it, because there are no miracle cures available. Not yet anyway!
Finally this, using prescription drugs is no long term solution either. Of course you have to do what the doctor tells you to do, and certain drugs can be absolutely necessary at a particular moment, but you have to be careful if you keep taking those drugs for a longer period of time. The side affects are real!
Nina Jensen is a writer who specializes in health and beauty tips. You can check out her latest website at Best Psoriasis Natural Cure [], where she provides advise on how to treat psoriasis, including a Cure For Guttate Psoriasis [], and much, much more...
Article Source:

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The Best Stress Relief for Psoriasis - Laughter!

By Joseph Hood

Stress does happen and as we know it can greatly affect us emotionally and physically. It is one of the most important triggers for psoriasis and psoriasis flare-ups.
The first thing we need to do is recognize the negative stress factors in our lives and how much time and energy we spend each day worrying or dealing with them. When you are aware of the sources of stress in your life, you need to increase your relaxation time. Remember, it is all about balance!
Become Posriasis Free For Life
Given the fact that most of us spend most of the day sitting at our jobs, we need to learn to relax our bodies. Proper relaxation is often ignored. We can recharge our bodies by following a few of these simple tips:
1. Breathing Exercises
Oxygenating the blood in our body will relax our muscles. Do deep breathing exercises by breathing deeply through your nose ad exhaling through your mouth. This can be accomplished in as little as 30 seconds or as much as 30 minutes. For added stress relief, visualize the tension and stress leaving your body with each breath.
2. Progressive Relaxation
Tense up all of the muscle groups in your body and then relax them. You can start with your face and neck and work your way down the muscle groups of your body: shoulders, arms, chest, back, abdominals, etc. Each muscle group can be tensed for about 10 seconds and then completely relaxed for 10 seconds.
3. Eat Smart and Exercise
Avoid excessive caffeine and refined sugars. These can cause severe spikes in blood sugar and leave you feeling jittery.
Exercise is the best-known, scientifically proven way to significantly reduce stress. It is a good distraction from our daily tasks and stresses. Exercise releases endorphins that help boost our mood. A healthy body can handle stress much better.
4. Relax Your Mind
Avoid negativity. Make the most out of every situation. When things are not going well, step back and look at the bigger picture. There are always setbacks on the path to achieving larger goals.
Use positive self-talk. Repeat short, powerful statements to yourself throughout the day (like "I am calm and can cope with this situation"). These positive and believable statements can train your subconscious and have a powerful impact on your outlook.
Relax! Enjoy! Manage your time and engage in activities you love to do whether it is listening to music, writing or playing video games.
Laughter really is the best medicine! A good laugh has multiple health benefits from relieving stress and pain to strengthening your immune system.
Did you know the following?
A good laugh relieves stress and leaves your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes
When laughing there is a 27% increase of beta-endorphines, the brain chemicals that boost happiness and fight depression.
Watching a funny movie you can boost your immune system activity by 26.5%.
Laughing causes a 39% reduction in the stress hormone cortisol.
People who laugh are less likely to develop persistent health conditions such as psoriasis.
The following tips will help you to stay happy and healthy:
Smile - Like laughter, it is an infectious happy expression.
Be Thankful - Always recognize the good things in life and find humor in your day.
Focus on the Funny - Talk about funny things that have happened to you, your friends or family. It gives everyone a chance to laugh together.
Laugh off Setbacks - If you are stuck in a bad situation, look for the humor in it and look ahead.
For more information on Psoriasis Cure: []
Article Source:!&id=8182472

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Calm Down Your Nerves To Cure Your Psoriasis Problem

By Chris J Stephen

Skin difficulties appear in almost all individuals, but only certain critical problems will develop into a recurring ailment. Chronic skin ailment is always uncomfortable because it may possibly influence your day-to-day routine apart from creating a lot of emotional turmoil. Psoriasis is generally a genetic problem and it occurs when the newly produced skin cells mature four times faster causing flaked skin. This faster cell multiplication pushes skin layers towards the exterior very quickly resulting in redness and cracks on surface. In addition, flaking of the skin may also be noticed in many cases. This state is known as psoriasis. Although psoriasis could be treated medically, there isn't any recognized lasting cure for this problem. You will find many natural ways to deal with psoriasis. The natural cures can help you to avoid psoriasis outbreaks and treat existing condition.
The first step to natural care of psoriasis is to identify the triggering reason for the condition. Psoriasis, even though a genetic condition, is almost always triggered by exterior physical factors. These issues encourage cell multiplication resulting in visible flaky skin. By knowing the aspects that instigate psoriasis, you can find out methods to avoid the outbreak of this condition. Panic is found out as being one of the key reasons for psoriasis. Keeping away from stress as often as possible will keep the psoriasis skin problem in check.
Psoriasis patients should also take note of their total health. Your body should be healthy and well balanced at all times. To start with, you might want to include raw vegetables and fresh fruits to your daily diet to make a balanced meal every time you eat. You furthermore may need to drink plenty of water to keep your system hydrated. When you support the body from the inside, you will notice the outcome outside. To be able to prevent psoriasis, make sure you keep the body nourished and hydrated at all times.
Skin specialists always recommend you to lead a strain free life if you are experiencing skin problems. Whenever you are stressed, you have to deal with psoriasis outburst. In the present scenario, it is inconceivable for most of us to forget about stress. Nevertheless, finding options to deal with tension can result in good skin condition. Instead of fighting stress, you should figure out how to live with it by spending time for soothing meditation and getting to know breathing techniques to hold your body calm. This will definitely enable you to avoid psoriasis outbreaks and perhaps if an outbreak happens, you are able to quickly treat it having a healthy body and mind.
Chris is an IT consultant who has been in the industry for more than 20 years. While IT has been his passion, a bigger passion has been reading and writing. Over the last 2 years he has been publishing articles on various subjects.
Interest in Psoriasis started since a relative was diagnosed with it. Most articles posted relate to all research done. He hopes that he can share this with other psoriasis sufferers. Please visit [] to learn more about psoriasis management.
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Monday, August 7, 2017

How to Treat Psoriasis at Home - 7 Simple Tips for Psoriasis Sufferers

By Steve Keenan

Tip 1: Apply primrose or olive oil or ointments containing tar preparations, salicylic acid and anthralin, to the affected areas two to three times a day and before and after you take a shower or bath in lukewarm water.
If taking a bath, add some Epson Salt, olive oil and/or milk. Fish oil has also been known to work well for some. Again, reapply some oil or sensitive skin moisturizer after bathing.
Tip 2: Try to prevent the skin from drying by using an air humidifier in your room. Use sensitive skin moisturizers and soaps. Perfumes too need to be skin-sensitive.
Tip 3: Cut down on red meat and fatty foods and boost your diet with more nuts which contain oils, chocolate and cranberry fruits. Fish such as tuna, salmon, halibut and snapper are rich in oils and omega fatty acids and are natural remedies for curing psoriasis.
Tip 4: Increase your daily intake folic acid to help speed the process of healing. These can easily be acquired from bran, cereals and broccoli. Fiber rich foods too are also a great way to expedite the healing process.
High levels of fiber can be found in cooked cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage. Pears and guavas are excellent, dried figs and flaxseed are also high in fiber. Cooked peas are especially high, as are most cooked beans.
Tip 5: Avoid processed and junk food as they contain saturated fats, sugars and sodium which all impede digestion and will slow the process of healing psoriasis. Red meat and dairy products should be avoided too, as they contain arachidonic acid, which often causes skin imflammation. Citrus fruits, pickles and spicy food will slow any remission, so avoid those as well.
Tip 6: Since psoriasis stems from the fungus in the digestive tract, an excellent way to free yourself from it forever is to tackle the problem from the inside. Before eating fruits and vegetables, spray them with a 50/50 solution of water and white vinegar and then wash them off cleanly. Also, a daily glass of aloe vera juice can help eliminate the problem considerably.
Try and diversify your daily diet and have some of this one day and something else the next day. This will keep the natural body fluids in good balance.
Tip 7: Last but not least, because psoriasis can often be caused by stress, try to give yourself a stress free time when things get too much. Take light walks or practice a little yoga will help you to relax more.
If you have a more severe psoriasis problem that does not seem to be healing as well or as quickly as you would like, then I recommend taking a look here: []
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Sunday, August 6, 2017

Combat Psoriasis! - Strengthen Your Immune System

By Joseph Hood

Most people believe that psoriasis is a skin condition. However, psoriasis is in fact an inflammatory disease of the immune system. In patients with psoriasis, certain immune cells are activated. These cells overproduce inflammatory proteins, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which cause skin cells to grow too quickly. The skin cells build up causing raised red patches, often with silvery scales known as plaques.
Inflammation is thought of as the body's normal response to injury or infection. However, if the response is too severe or prolonged, then this may become a problem in itself. Inflammation responses are generally regulated by mechanisms in our immune system. If the immune system is working correctly to maintain internal equilibrium, the inflammatory responses will adjust to their normal physiological state. If the immune system misfires, it causes the excess inflammation and accelerated growth of cells.
T-cells (white blood cells) are a type of immune system cell which are very important to the internal process of psoriasis. T-cells naturally patrol throughout the body looking for foreign substances called antigens. These antigens usually come from the outside in to our bodies as bacterium or virus. The invasion of these antigens activates the T-cells, which then initiates an immune response to neutralize the antigen.
In psoriasis, it is not clear what happens, but the activated T-cells end up in the skin. This may be directly related to the genetic predisposition in people who develop psoriasis. The T-cell will recognize and target the antigen on the surface. The specific antigens responsible for psoriasis are not know, but some infections like strep throat are believed to trigger some cases of guttate psoriasis.
If the T-cells are not activated, the immune response and cycle of psoriasis never begins. But if the T-cell does become activated, the immune system response is initiated which includes the release of cytokines. Cytokines are proteins that the immune system uses to communicate messages. The message that cytokines tell the skin is to reproduce and grow at an accelerated rate. Cytokines also set off other reactions including inflammation, and activation of additional T-cells. The end result is a pile up of dead skin cells that have grown too fast and have moved to the surface of the skin as white scale.
So what lies ahead in research knowing that psoriasis is driven by the immune system? Of course there are already the many drugs of choice which suppress the body's immune system. The problem with many of these harsh drugs is that they can cause other health problems and unpleasant symptoms.
Your immune system does a remarkable job of defending you against disease-causing microorganisms. But sometimes it fails. Is it possible to intervene in this process and make your immune system stronger? The idea of boosting your immune system is intriguing. But one must realize that the immune system is precisely that - a system. To function properly it requires a balance and harmony. There is still much research to be done on the complexities and interconnections of the immune response.
But what if it was possible to intervene in this process and make your immune system stronger? What if you improve your diet? Take certain vitamins or herbal preparations? Make other lifestyle changes toward reaching that goal of balance and harmony in the hope of producing a near-perfect immune response?
Many researchers are exploring the effects of diet, exercise, age, psychological stress, herbal supplements, and other factors on the immune response, both in animals and in humans. Some very interesting preliminary results are emerging as researchers still try to understand how the immune system works and how to interpret measurements of the immune function.
But meanwhile, why not adopt some healthy-living strategies and choose a healthy lifestyle.
As we have discussed in some of our other articles, following general good health habits are the single best steps you can take toward keeping your immune system strong and healthy. Every part of your body, including your immune system, functions better when protected from environmental assaults and bolstered by healthy-living strategies such as these:
• If you smoke, quit!
• Improve your diet. Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in saturated fat.
• Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight and control your blood pressure
• Manage your stress.
• Drink alcohol only in moderation.
• Get 7-8 hours of adequate sleep per day.
• Take steps to avoid infection such preventing cuts and wounds and washing your hands frequently. &
bull; Make regular appointments to have medical screening tests for people in your age group and risk category.
In order for your immune system warriors to win the fight, you need good, regular nourishment. If you are one of the many people who do not like vegetables, and you think your diet is not providing all of the nutrients you need then you should consider taking a multiple daily vitamin.
Recommended Vitamins and minerals that have been studied to have a positive effect on the immune system are:
• Vitamin A
• Vitamin B2
• Vitamin B6
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin D
• Vitamin E
• Zinc
• Selenium
Besides our regular intake of healthy foods and vitamins, we should not discount the benefits of herbal preparations. Even though further studies are needed to confirm or disprove the beneficial results that herbal supplements have on the immune system, who is to say that what Grandma took for years and to protects her from illness doesn't work?
Some of the supplements that researchers believe are worth more attention are:
Probiotics. These are good bacteria that can safely reside in your digestive system. There are some researchers, including some at Harvard Medical School, that are finding evidence of a relationship between this "good" bacteria and the immune system. For instance, it is now known that certain bacteria in the gut influence the development of aspects of the immune system, such as correcting deficiencies and increasing the numbers of certain T cells.
When you go shopping, you will find probiotics listed on the labels of dairy products, drinks, cereals, energy bars, and other foods. However, one must be careful not to think that by taking excessive amounts of good bacteria that it will help the immune system even more. Researchers are still trying to find the direct connection between taking these products and improving immune function. It has not been shown whether taking probiotics will replenish the good bacteria that get knocked out along with "bad" bacteria when you take antibiotics.
Echinacea. This is one of the most well-known herbal supplements used as an "immune stimulant," and advertised to be able to prevent or limit the severity of colds. However, it is recommended by most experts not to take echinacea on a long-term basis to prevent colds.
Just be aware that Echinacea can also cause potential side effects for persons with ragweed allergies including cases of anaphylactic shock. Injected echinacea in particular has caused severe reactions.
Garlic. Researchers have seen garlic work against bacteria, viruses, and fungi in laboratory tests. A 2006 research studied the rates for certain cancers and garlic and onion consumption in southern European populations and found an association between the frequency of use of garlic and onions and a lower risk of some common cancers. However, until more is known, it is too early to recommend garlic as a way of treating or preventing infections or controlling cancer.
Ginseng. This herbal supplement is known for its ability to stimulate the immune function. It is still unclear how the root of the ginseng plant works. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) considers there have not been sufficient high quality large studies performed to support the claims. They are currently involved in supporting research to understand Asian ginseng more fully.
Finally, we will discuss the most important relationship between stress and the immune system. We know stress has a negative effect on our minds and bodies and is a main trigger for psoriasis and other diseases. However, stress is different for everyone and is difficult to define. What may be a stressful situation for one person is not for another.
Therefore, most scientists studying the relationship of stress and immune function do not study a sudden, short-lived stressor. They study frequent and more constant stressors known as chronic stress. These stressors can be caused by relationships with family, friends, co-workers or sustained challenges at work.
Many researchers have reported that stressful situations can reduce various aspects of the cellular immune response. Reports suggest that psychological stress affects the immune system by disrupting communication between the nervous system, the endocrine (hormonal) system, and the immune system. These three systems must work in close coordination and "talk" to one another using natural chemical messages.
Some research teams speculate that long-term chronic stress releases a long-term trickle of stress hormones called glucocorticoids. These hormones affect the thymus, where lymphocytes are produced, and inhibit the production of cytokines and interleukins, which stimulate and coordinate white blood cell activity.
Managing your stress is extremely vital for the proper function of your immune system in order for it to combat your psoriasis and other diseases. So be sure to take time to learn and educate yourself on stress management techniques and you may want to join some forums to learn from others.
Following sections summarize some of the most active areas of research into these topics. In the meantime, general healthy-living strategies are a good way to start giving your immune system the upper hand
Click here for Psoriasis Cure Treatment []
Article Source:!---Strengthen-Your-Immune-System&id=8266318

Saturday, August 5, 2017

How Natural Therapies Control Psoriasis

By Maree Borg

Treating Psoriasis with Natural Therapies
In using natural therapies in your own home you need a pro active approach to treating your Psoriasis. The results are dependent on your own immune system and the commitment you put in to following your treatment plan. In treating psoriasis naturally you should always check with your health professional and do a patch test on a small area of your skin if using ointments or creams of any type. Natural products can have some allergic effects if used on people with sensitive skin types.
Those of you who have battled with Psoriasis know just how debilitating it can be. During my research many sufferer's indicated the problem was not only the actual symptoms of itchiness and redness, it was the flaky skin over clothing and in hair. Embarrassment of this condition meant they did not want to leave their homes, causing social isolation and in some cases depression. In speaking to sufferers, I noticed that many also had ongoing health issues dealing with their immune system.
Psoriasis is an auto immune problem so cleaning your body both inside and out is very important as is understanding the basics of Psoriasis. Psoriasis shows a very strong hereditary factor meaning that it seems to run in families. Not all family members are affected which is applicable to my own circumstances. My husband and the youngest of my sons both have Psoriasis. Fortunately my oldest son has not had any symptoms of this skin condition.
The Very Basics of Skin
The Skin is made up of two layers and in a normal situation over 30 days new skin pushes up from the bottom to the top. In the Psoriasis suffer, this whole process can take only a few days causing a buildup of flaky skin. This skin is then shed again and again causing aggravation and redness. The most common areas of build up are scalp, elbows, knees and knuckles. Sufferers are known in some cases to have near complete body coverage although this does not seem to be all that common.
Five Quick Tips To Get You Started
1. Fish and Flaxseed Oil are full of fatty acids and have many health benefits, one being to help build up the immune system.
2. Cut down on your alcohol consumption which has been found to dry out the skin.
3. Grow your own vegetables to eat. They are much tastier and better for you. If you are not able to do this, make sure you wash your vegetables before cooking.
4. Drink more water to flush impurities out your body.
5. Try to eat more whole foods rather than processed foods.
The aim of this article is to promote an approach to a healthy body and immune system. This approach really does help control Psoriasis and some other Health related problems.
We are what we eat!!!
Take small steps and become Pro active in your recovery...
With many members of my family suffering from Psoriasis, I have spent a great deal of time researching skin conditions and how to treat them naturally.I make a lot of natural skin products myself in my own kitchen at home and share the recipe's with friends, family, and anyone else who would find them beneficial.
Article Source:

Friday, August 4, 2017

Warning! What Looks Like Eczema or Psoriasis on the Breast Could Be Paget's Disease - Breast Cancer

By Philip A Edmonds-Hunt

The rare breast cancer disease - Paget's disease (Paget's disease of the nipple or Mammary Paget's disease) is often confused with the two common skin conditions eczema and psoriasis. All which are very similar, and which often force doctors to send their patients to specialists for correct diagnosis.
However, there are certain detectable differences between both Paget's disease and other skin conditions that many women can look for when self-checking the breasts for cancer. Usually common skin conditions that affect the breasts are nothing to be worried about; however, with Paget's disease, it is different.
1. Eczema - is a relatively common skin complain; although, it is considered a chronic inflammatory condition of the skin that consists of dry skin with red patches, together with an often itchy sensation that tends to provoke the condition to become worse when scratched (eczema rarely affects the nipple).
2. Psoriasis - is similar to eczema, but with patches of raised skin that are usually red in color, together with thick silvery scales (often considered a more hereditary disease [one in every two psoriasis cases is usually hereditary]) that appears on the skin (doctors are still unable to explain what causes it).
3. Paget's disease - can affect both men and women (men in more extreme cases), and is considered a rather deadly form of cancer. Not only is the disease dangerous in itself, but 50% of women who suffer from it are also diagnosed with having one or more breast tumors (ductal carcinoma in-situ, or invasive breast cancer [stages I - III]) within the same breast where the disease is present.
Symptoms - are usually in the form of a red scaly rash that affects the nipple (an extension to the areola [the dark skin circle around the nipple] may often be present too) that may itch or burn. With Paget's disease - malignant cells are usually present in the epidermis (the surface layer of skin) of both the areola, and the nipple (malignant cells may be found either singularly or formed in small groups).
Also an inverted nipple (pulled inwards) together with a nipple discharge are both common signs that a rash is more than just a common skin complaint. However, in comparison with the disease and more common skin complaints, it usually only affects one breast (most skin complains affect the two breasts).
The three main dangers of Paget's disease are as follows:
1. Is because Paget's disease is so similar to both eczema and psoriasis; it may well get mis-diagnosed.
2. It is because of the presence of malignant (cancerous) cells.
3. Around 50% of women sufferers may also be diagnosed with tumors of the breast.
Note: All three of these dangers may result in either a woman losing a breast, or becoming just another statistic of breast cancer fatality. Regular self-checks are seen prudent for early diagnosis of breast cancer. Any doubt (even minor) over anything unusual found: within, on, or around (the nipple area) the breast, being put to rest by an early consultation with either a doctor or health adviser.
Philip is a Freelance Writer, Author, and Owner of Cancer Cry. He was born in Oxfordshire, England; however, today he lives in Mexico where he has been based for many years writing about cancer and other health related issues. If you would like to read more of his articles, check out his blogsite - [] Thank you for reading Philip's articles!
Article Source:!-What-Looks-Like-Eczema-or-Psoriasis-on-the-Breast-Could-Be-Pagets-Disease---Breast-Cancer&id=8329160

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Important Lifestyle Changes And Home Remedies for Psoriasis

By Terry Robbins

Fighting psoriasis can be a lifelong battle to find the right cure for psoriasis for you and one of the ways to fight psoriasis is to make important lifestyle changes as well as use home remedies for psoriasis. It is important to not lose hope in the fight against psoriasis which can happen after trying various approaches that may have worked for someone else but fail to work for you. You just need to keep experimenting until you find the right psoriasis treatment that works for you.
Why Make Lifestyle Changes and Implement Home Remedies For Psoriasis
Dealing with psoriasis symptoms can be quite challenging. While there is no psoriasis cure, they are various habits that you can adopt that will help you to prevent psoriasis flare-ups or deal with the various psoriasis symptoms. While there are many medications, gels, lotions, etc, that can be prescribed or available over the counter, taking an inside out approach to fighting psoriasis by making lifestyle changes and experimenting with various home remedies for psoriasis is probably the best psoriasis treatment.
Over time, these various psoriasis medications, gels and creams can cost a lot of money and still leave you with a feeling of being powerless over this chronic skin condition. Making important lifestyle changes and experimenting with home remedies for psoriasis is a proactive approach to treating psoriasis and gives you a sense of power over this disease. It means that you are not going to take this disease lying down but will fight every step of the way until you find the important changes you need to make in your life and the home remedies for psoriasis that will control the flare-ups and eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis. Making these changes in also relatively inexpensive and can in some cases help you save money that you are currently spending on bad habits.
Making lifestyle changes can be difficult as we all know. We are creatures of habit and changing a habit can be one of the hardest things to do in life. When you are suffering from a chronic condition such as psoriasis, it makes it doubly important to make the lifestyle changes as one of the important ways to bring your psoriasis under control.
Important Lifestyle Changes and Home Remedies To Make
  • Diet Changes

Diet changes are one crucial area to help you not only lose weight and promote a healthier body but rid your body of various toxins that may be aggravating your disease. Start to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, more whole grains and less processed foods, less sodium, sugars and the bad fats such as saturated fats. Monitoring your cholesterol levels is also very important.
  • Alcohol

One of the triggers for your psoriasis may be your alcohol intake. If you are suffering from frequent psoriasis outbreaks, consider eliminating alcohol or reducing the amount of alcohol you consume and then determine whether there is any difference in the flare-ups and frequency.
  • Smoking

For overall health and wellbeing and not just for psoriasis prevention, smoking should be eliminated. Being a smoker is one of the behaviors that may actually increase your chances of developing psoriasis in the first place and once you develop psoriasis, can increase the severity and frequency of the psoriasis flare-ups. While eliminating this behavior may be difficult when started, there are many smoking cessation programs that you can implement to help you quit this bad habit. This habit is also expensive and eliminating it will help you save money that you can use is more positive ways.
  • Stress Reduction

Stress and anxiety has been identified as triggers for psoriasis flare-ups and being able to reduce the amount of stress is one of the best treatments for psoriasis. Stress leads to many health problems besides increasing the chance of a psoriasis outbreak. In order to maintain optimal health and reduce or eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis, you need to implement a stress management system.
There are many home remedies for psoriasis related to this area of stress management that you can implement including exercising, taking time to relax or read a book, taking an aromatherapy bath infused with essential oils that contain relaxing properties such the lavender essential oil, drinking a cup of herbal tea, and many other stress relieving activities that work for you.
  • Sunlight

While sunlight is important for psoriasis sufferers as it helps to heal psoriasis lesions, spending too much time in the sun can lead to leathery skin, premature aging, age spots as well as skin cancer. While spending some time in the sun daily is one of the most important home remedies for psoriasis, only spend a few minutes in the sun in the morning and evening so that you only suffer minimal side effects from exposure to the sun. Or you can use sunscreen to cover your unaffected skin while leaving the psoriasis affected areas bare if you wish to spend more time in the sun.
  • Calendula Oil

This oil is one of the best oils and one of the best home remedies for psoriasis that a sufferer should attempt to use daily. One of the important lifestyle changes if not already a part of your life is to ensure that the skin is always moisturized at all times. Dry skin triggers psoriasis breakouts. Using oil that is infused with calendula is not only moisturizing but soothing as well. Calendula contains many anti-inflammatory properties that are important for psoriatic skin and can also help relieve pain and itching. There are many recipes for home remedies for psoriasis using calendula oil that you can find online and offline to help with psoriasis symptoms.
There are many other lifestyle changes and home remedies for psoriasis that you can implement to treat psoriasis and prevent psoriasis. The proactive approach is the best approach and the best psoriasis treatment. Not being afraid to make the necessary changes you need to make in your life to control this disease is the first step to victory. For more information on psoriasis and treatment options, visit
Article Source:

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Is There A Cure For Psoriasis? Resolve Your Symptoms Today!

By Jane Robotham

I was at work the other day when a fellow nurse laid her arms on my desk. What I saw made my heart go out to her. Red, blotchy, raised areas stretching from her fingers to her elbows. Flaky rough and thickened skin that looked unsightly and painful.
"Eczema?" I asked.
"No, psoriasis" she replied.
"It looks really painful! Obviously you have you tried a lot of different things to get rid of it?"
"I've tried every single treatment under the sun, for years and years. There is nothing that can be done for it. It often makes me feel uncomfortable - some people are really insensitive and look at me like I am contagious. Some people even tell me how ugly it looks straight to my face!"
I really felt for her. We talked further about her experiences with specialists, herbalists, naturopaths and cortisone treatments over the course of her adult life - her despondence at the end of the conversation was palpable. I could see that she had come to accept that her skin condition was there to stay and that was just the way it was.
Are you also living with the debilitating symptoms of psoriasis, eczema or contact dermatitis that just won't go away no matter what you try? You are not alone! Many people around the world have the same problem and are looking for a cure and can't find one. Is there really a cure? Or is it that we need to focus on prevention and look more closely at the causes? This article will explain how you may be contributing to the development of your symptoms every single day without even knowing it.
Psoriasis and other similar skin conditions are known to be caused by a number of factors. Some of them are diet related and some of them are environmental factors. Diet is a tricky one and many people get tested by allergy specialists and come up with a list of what not to eat. If you have done that, and are still suffering from symptoms of Eczema, Psoriasis or Contact Dermatitis, then you need to look more closely at what you are coming in contact with in your home, and in particular what you are putting on your body.
Most sufferers are able to find a body wash from the chemist - or products which claim to be gentle and safe for such troublesome skin. There are plenty of companies who advertise that they are selling you the right product for your sensitive skin. What you don't realise is that there are a number of different ingredients, in fact hundreds of them, present in some of these products that could still be adding to the problem. How are we meant to know which things, on the long list on the back of the bottle, may be harmful to our particular condition? Especially when the companies do not have to list all of the ingredients they use!
What you may not know is that your house can actually become a contaminated wasteland of unseen, invisible chemicals that you touch, breath and absorb through your skin. If you Google the list of ingredients contained in common products in your bathroom and laundry I believe you will be horrified!
It's what these chemicals may be doing to your body and to your skin that really matters. Let's take your shampoo for instance. When you wash your hair, the foam and soapy water runs down the length of your body, where it is absorbed by your skin, entering and contaminating your bloodstream.
What about the cleaning products you use to achieve those shiny glass shower screens and tiles? Each time you shower in the steamy air you breathe in the air born chemicals from the residue left behind.
Even the powerful laundry detergent you use contain a cocktail of chemical substances which then cling to and coat the fabric of the snugly warm sheets and pyjamas you wrap yourself up in each night, releasing tiny microscopic particles which are absorbed by your skin.
The build-up of so many different allergens over a long period of time can cause toxic overload in the body and a number of inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and contact dermatitis.
How do you know which products contain these allergens? Which ingredients are the most harmful for your skin condition? New studies are being done constantly so it is almost impossible to keep up with the latest information as it happens.
The good news is you don't have to worry! There is one trusted company that does all the research and removes over 3000 harmful or potentially harmful ingredients for you so that you know that you are buying safe products for you and your family. Wouldn't you like to stop reading labels and driving from shop to shop looking for the safest products for your skin? Products that really work, that are ethically sound and are delivered to your door are easy to find!
For more information, go to to access safe alternative personal care products that reduce the symptoms of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.
Soul Clarity educates and empowers people about risks to your health and how to make simple changes to reduce symptoms, prevent illness and increase your chances for a long and healthy life.
Discover how you can banish your psoriasis today!
Article Source:!&id=8414457

Getting To The Bottom Of Psoriasis And Stress

By Terry Robbins Stress is toxic. It will rob you of your piece of mind and your health. While not the cause of many diseases an...