By Terry Robbins
When a child suffers for any reason including being plagued with a disease such as psoriasis, parents usually suffer right along with the child and have a desire to make things better for the child and may feel powerless at times when dealing with psoriasis in children. In addition to helping the child in trying to find the best psoriasis cures that may include home remedies for psoriasis, a psoriasis diet, etc, parents also have to provide emotional support since dealing with the disease can be very difficult for children.
While the majority of those with psoriasis usually begin having psoriasis symptoms when they are much older, psoriasis can affect anyone of any age. Approximately 15% of all psoriasis cases begin before the age of ten. Psoriasis in children is that much more challenging for parents as well as doctors.
When a parent is dealing with a child who suffers from psoriasis, they usually have to spend more time in helping to find the treatment that will work for the child as well as in helping the child cope emotionally with this condition. While there isn't a cure for psoriasis, there are various treatments that can help to control the flare-ups including various drugs, uv light therapy, home remedies for psoriasis, etc.
Dealing with psoriasis in children can be difficult for doctors as well in the sense that many common psoriasis treatments may present various problems and health risks when used on children. This is why it greatly helps when alternative treatments such as home remedies for psoriasis are used to help children deal with psoriasis symptoms.
It is especially difficult for parents to watch their child suffer with this chronic skin disease. This is especially so since children have even less self control than adults and when they itch, they will just want to scratch which only worsens the psoriasis lesions which may burn and itch. Various home remedies for psoriasis such as using wraps can be great to help children keep from scratching away at these psoriasis lesions.
Psoriasis in children is usually in the form of plaque psoriasis which features oval shaped silvery/gray scales on the elbows, knees and the lower back. Scalp psoriasis is another type of psoriasis that can affect children that can be mistaken for severe dandruff which can be even more embarrassing for children. Guttate psoriasis which usually shows up in children after a bout with a certain bacterial disease such as strep throat is also a common type of psoriasis in children. But by far the most common type of psoriasis in children and adults is plaque psoriasis.
While the origins of psoriasis remain unknown, it is believed to have a genetic component but this is tricky in that while both of the parents or one of parents of a psoriasis sufferer can have the disease, neither of them can have the disease and still produce a child with psoriasis. Many other factors can also lead to the development of psoriasis such as an illness, skin injury, puberty, stress, etc. This disease is still a great mystery to doctors but this does not mean that parents and children should lose hope in finding a solution for this condition.
Since there isn't one treatment that can work for all psoriasis sufferers, it is important to be proactive and try various therapies until you find the one that works which may include changing the diet, home remedies for psoriasis, drug therapies, various alternative medicine therapies, etc. While the child may get despondent after trying various therapies without success, it is important for the parent to help the child maintain a positive attitude that a solution will be found no matter how long it will take.
One of the best home remedies for psoriasis that a parent can do when dealing with psoriasis in children is to ensure that the child keeps his or her skin moisturized. Ensuring that the child lotions up frequently is one of the easiest ways to combat this disease. The more moisturized the skin is, the less itchy it will be and the less prone to flare-ups the skin will be.
When dealing with psoriasis in children, it is important to educate the child on the disease and what they need to do to prevent psoriasis flare-ups or how to treat lesions for them to heal quickly. The child needs to be taught that though they may want to scratch or rub at the lesions, this will only make the condition worse. The more educated the child is, the closer he or she will be to properly managing this chronic skin disease.
In addition to prescription medications, there are many other home remedies for children that may be even safer than using prescription medications which involve using various oils such as olive oil, mineral oil, coconut oil, etc, in various recipes to treat skin lesions.
While psoriasis in children can be difficult, it is important to not lose hope and to help your child maintain a positive attitude as you both try to find an effective treatment for the condition. There are various treatments that can work effectively including using various home remedies for psoriasis. For more information on psoriasis as well as treating and coping with this condition, visit
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