Friday, June 30, 2017

Psoriasis - 2000 Years In The Making

By Jonathan G. Michel

Originally, considered a curse from the Gods, cases of Psoriasis have been documented since the days of Greek mythology, just about 2600 years ago. Did you notice the word "myth" in mythology? However, it took centuries before Psoriasis was actually identified by Aurelius Celsus, a Roman scholar who referred to Psoriasis as "impeto" the Latin word for "attack".
The Bible makes reference to Psoriasis, but mistakenly calls it leprosy. For hundreds of years, people who suffered from Psoriasis were ostracized, often forced to ring a warning bell alerting others in their path, and to wander as homeless beggars. Their very appearance was considered unclean, some even suffered the same fate as lepers, including being burnt at the stake in the 14th century.
During the middle Ages, it was thought that all scaling conditions were leprosy. In fact, it wasn't until the 1700's that Psoriasis was differentiated from other skin diseases. Psoriasis was recognized as a specific and separate clinical entity in 1808 by Robert Willan who at first called it "lepra" derived from the Greek word "loops" (the epidermis) and "leps" the scale.
Finally in 1840, he renamed the disease Psoriasis - a term derived from the Greek word "psora" meaning "itch". Amazingly, Psoriasis was a disease that had been misunderstood for more than 2000 years before it was clearly defined and named to what we know it as today.
From the very beginning, people relied on the strength of the sun and the use of coal tar as their only form of treatment for the disease. Through the years, research and experimentation has provided more effective treatments, although a few wrong turns have been made along the way. For instance, in 1819 a suggested treatment for Psoriasis included the topical application of mercury, a gentle purging of the impurities in one's system, avoiding stimulants such as smoking and drinking, using special creams and taking a mild anti-inflammatory drug available in those days. Since there were still so many unanswered questions about Psoriasis, doctors relied on their limited expertise to help patients.
Just about 100 years ago, the so called 'effective' remedy for Psoriasis according to some doctors was to take oral doses of arsenic, phosphorus and even turpentine. Can you imagine that? General advice was to avoid overwork, sexual excesses, suckling, and any drain on the body. Spa treatments and plenty of relaxation were also recommended.
In the 1920's, the benefits of artificial light was discovered. It was during this decade that a Dr. Goeckerman at the mayo clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, offered a special regimen as a safe and effective treatment...His regime for Psoriasis consisted of a topical application of crude coal tar in the form of ointments or tar solutions, one to three times daily. For the same number of times, the excess tar was removed and the patient exposed to ultra-violet (UV) light. This was followed by a cleansing bath that removed the residual tar and scales before re-application of fresh tar. This procedure was repeated for an average of two to six weeks until the skin cleared before the patient was finally released.
It is estimated that one in every 50 people is affected by some form of Psoriasis. At the time of this report, studies in European communities showed that 5% of people had some form of Psoriasis, and a preliminary survey in Western Australia had shown that 2-3% of people were affected. This means that in Melbourne, 60,000 people had Psoriasis, and in all of Australia 630,000 to 900,000 were affected. In the United States, it is estimated that over 6 million people are affected, plus an additional 1.2 million in Canada. The numbers are astronomical and keep growing. Why do you think this is?
Although no-one really knows, only the effects of Psoriasis, has been well documented. It has been found that the skin of Psoriasis sufferers grows much quicker than normal skin. In all of us, the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin) grows continuously from it's under surface and a new layer is reformed every 30 days.
In Psoriasis patches, the skin reforms a complete layer of epidermis within 3 - 4 days instead of every 30 days. Hence, the extra skin become scales and in the shedding process become very itchy. This pattern is very similar to the healing process of the epidermis after an injury - except that normal skin knows when to slow down and Psoriasis skin doesn't.
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease which can provoke profound anxiety and distress amongst those who are affected. It is characterized by the appearance of red & dry patches covered by white to silver scales. The areas of the body mostly affected are the elbows, the knees, the scalp, the nails, the private parts, and in real severe cases, the entire body. Psoriasis can be very demoralizing.
Psoriasis first appears as little red pimples which, as the disease progresses, forms silvery scales. These scales eventually meet to form patches of various sizes. At first it is difficult to distinguish Psoriasis from other types of skin diseases. However, when the silvery scales appear, the diagnostic is confirmed. When scratching the scales because it is itching, and you want to remove them, pinhead driblets appear. I was told by my dermatologist once that in Psoriasis, if you don't bleed after removing the scales, you had a very serious problem. When I asked him what he meant, he replied "skin cancer".
I suggest that you give some serious thought to the following: If Psoriasis existed as far back as in Biblical days, over 2000 years ago, what possible connection can there be between then and now. There were no toxic pollutants in the air as we know it today. Fruits were plentiful and free. So what do we know of then, that could have caused Psoriasis? And why, has it become so rampant today? The answer to me is obvious.
J. G. Michel is a successful webmaster and advocate of alternative healing. Cure Your Psoriasis In a 3-Step Process and Get a Free ebook 'EZ Psoriasis Diet' []. Millions of Psoriasis sufferers [], don't need to suffer. For more information on alternatives to healing visit
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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Psoriasis Diets - The Importance of Proper Nutrition For Psoriasis Sufferers

By Terry Robbins

With any disease, ensuring that the sufferer gets adequate rest, manages stress, exercises, and follows a healthy eating plan are very important when trying to overcome any sickness. The last item is of especially great importance to psoriasis sufferers to help control the condition by following a proper psoriasis diet.
Importance of a Psoriasis Diet
While there currently exists no cure for psoriasis, there are various drug therapies as well as home remedies for psoriasis that can help to alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis. Another way to manage this chronic skin condition is by following a psoriasis diet which requires making adjustments to the food consumed to help with the various symptoms of psoriasis.
While psoriasis can not be managed with a psoriasis diet alone, it can certainly help and there is no harm in trying. Psoriasis is such a complicated condition to treat and various therapies such as the use of various medicines, home remedies for psoriasis, light therapies, psoriasis diets, etc may be required before finding what works to control your particular case of psoriasis. This search and trial and error to find what works may be arduous but it is important not to lose hope and to keep trying until you find what works for you.
In addition to the various methods discussed previously, if you find that changing your diet or using various food supplements seems to help control the condition without harming you, it would seem prudent to continue with this psoriasis diet and/or food supplements.
Implementing proper nutrition is very important for a psoriasis diet especially when you think about the heavy loss of skin that results from the scales created with psoriasis as well as the inflammation during the entire period of a psoriasis flare-up which could possibly lead to nutritional deficiencies. The skin which is usually affected by psoriasis is the largest organ in the body and needs various nutrients to remain healthy. Following a proper psoriasis diet could help to add back and maintain optimal levels of nutrients.
A healthy and nutritious psoriasis diet should take into consideration the following;
  • A reduction in the amount of red meat consumed

  • A reduction in dairy products consumed that may aggravate psoriasis symptoms

  • Reduce or eliminate foods that are high in fats and sugars. Saturated fats should be reduced or eliminated as well as trans fats which are considered "bad fats." Good fats such as monounsaturated (heart helper) and polyunsaturated (physique helper) fats should be increased. Good fats are found in foods such as certain fish like salmon and tuna, walnuts, flaxseeds, soybean oil, peanut butter, olives, olive, canola and avocado oil, etc.

  • Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your psoriasis diet

  • Quit smoking and drinking and it has been found that even small amounts of alcohol can still worsen psoriasis symptoms

  • Consume greater amounts of fiber. Avoid any foods that have the word "enriched" in the ingredients list. Look for whole grains or packaging that says whole wheat. Fiber has great healing powers in addition to lowering cholesterol, preventing constipation and lowering the risk of cancer and heart disease. While fiber contains no nutrients, it is the only way to remove harmful toxins and chemicals quickly from the digestive tract. Being constipated as a result of not eating enough fiber will ensure that these chemicals and toxins remain in the body longer and do great harm to the body.

  • Fiber can also help to control weight since it helps one feel fuller sooner as maintaining a proper weight is important for psoriasis sufferers. Being obese will prevent you from responding to treatment or you will respond to treatment very slowly and relapse quickly when treatments are stopped.

  • Reduce the consumption of smoked, salt cured or nitrite preserved foods

  • Ensure that the psoriasis diet contains varied foods

It also goes without saying that before starting a psoriasis diet or adding food supplements to help with psoriasis treatment, it may be important for you to discuss it with your doctor first.
While finding an effective treatment for psoriasis can be a very complicated process involving various drugs, light therapy for psoriasis, home remedies for psoriasis, etc, following a psoriasis diet can also help to control the symptoms of psoriasis when used with other therapies. Find out more on how to manage psoriasis
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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Scalp Psoriasis Treatment - Utilise Psoriasis Home Remedies to Eliminate Psoriasis Skin Disease!

By Thurman Johnson

Even though Scalp Psoriasis is not the most common psoriasis form that haunted sufferers, but it is nearly the most searched Psoriasis Remedies among all. It is because psoriasis scalp is very invisible if one exposed to the crowd. Psoriasis Scalp Treatment is very demanded but most of the time, the treatments do not provide what they promised to the people who purchased it. However, there are some scalp psoriasis treatments do effectively heal psoriasis.
If you understand that most of the psoriasis home remedies are using ointments or creams in order to apply on the psoriasis affected areas, you may tend to apply this on scalp psoriasis skin disease. However, due to the hair coverage on the scalp, these usual psoriasis remedies are not suitable to be utilized. Hence, effective scalp psoriasis treatments are in shampoo, oil or foam form. It is easier to be used and can be easily available.
Even though most of the time, many sufferers experienced hair loss syndrome, but it is not confirmed to be related to psoriasis skin disease but is caused by the excessive scratching and rubbing of scalp by the sufferers themselves. Do not constantly scratch your scalp even it is very itchy and irritating, rather you should try the scalp psoriasis treatment at home in order to reduce the discomfort feeling.
Flaking is one of the most irritating and annoying psoriasis symptoms that disturbing the psoriasis sufferers. These flakes tend to attract the eye ball of people around because they looked like dandruff. Some of the time, the flakes will become white scales in more serious cases and it may be very troublesome issue in the future.
I hereby list out a few psoriasis treatments that you can apply at home, if you want to get the complete guideline that can help you to utilize all these effective scalp psoriasis treatments in order to eliminate psoriasis skin disease completely by improving your body immune system.
1) Moderately expose your psoriasis affected scalp to the sunlight, Vitamin E is able to improve your skin condition.
2) Creams and shampoos are good home psoriasis scalp remedies that help to battle the psoriasis skin disease.
3) Diet is definitely a strong factor in controlling your psoriasis condition.
4) Keep yourself hydrated at anytime. As you know that water is very important to our health and it is good to detoxify our body.
5) Important tip for psoriasis scalp treatment is that you have to keep a good hygiene.
Actually, most of the home psoriasis scalp treatments are the same as other psoriasis treatments. It is just that whether they can be easily accessible and able to be applied on your scalp without intervening your daily activities. Do not afraid to attempt different kind of treatments because one of them may be your best solution. You just need to take note that you should either consult your medical provider or any reliable scalp psoriasis treatments guideline in order to understand what can be best suit to your condition and how to fully utilize the psoriasis treatments to your skin disease.
I was the victim of chronic plague psoriasis in the past. I suffered this health problem for years and basically tried all kinds of treatment without getting significant results. I consulted clinical expert but they are not suitable and always came along with side effect. I was frustrated and really wanted to give up. Fortunately a year ago I found a psoriasis treatment which cured me totally!! Visit my website Scalp Psoriasis Remedies latest update and get yourself free from psoriasis.
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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Natural Cures for Psoriasis - Is There Any Best Treatment for Psoriasis?

By Frankin Bishop

Psoriasis is chronic skin disease which is non contagious. There is no one and for all medication that is 100% cure for psoriasis and claimed to be the best treatment for psoriasis. Every one is different individual and hence they need to be treated differently to get the best result. If you do not want to waste money on those expensive prescribed drugs or medications that may not be able to bring you positive results as per their promise, you are strongly recommended to get the idea of natural cures for psoriasis that may be the final resolution for your psoriasis skin disease.
Some of the people may misunderstand that psoriasis is some kind of allergic or skin infection that maybe cured by apply external medication or antibiotic. Psoriasis skin disease is unique ailment that haunted roughly 5 millions of US citizen and it is an hard to cure autoimmune disease. This disease is caused by the disorder of our own immune system and our skin is under abnormal activities of our body system. The body has produced excessive amount of skin cells to the skin that is out of control of our skin, it is impossible to be shed with the normal speed and hence the skin cells are accumulated and form scales or undesired red patches. Hence, it is advisable to get the natural cure for psoriasis which aim at the root cause of this ailment, our body. It is more wise to control our own body system and let it cure psoriasis itself rather then temporarily treat the psoriasis symptoms but not eliminate it forever.
There are 5 different types of psoriasis: Vulgaris, Plaque, Guttate, Pustular and Inverse. It is widely known that plaque psoriasis is the most common type of psoriasis. Around 80% of the psoriasis sufferers are infected by this psoriasis type. Plaque psoriasis comes with thick, white-silvery flakes that form like a scales on the infected area. Moreover, there will be red big area of patches on the skin, area coverage range from small patch to nearly the whole body.
If you are diagnosed with psoriasis, you may understand the pain of having psoriasis skin disease. The irritation and discomfort caused by psoriasis, the itchiness and soreness triggered by psoriasis, the inconvenience and disability brought by psoriasis are so unbearable. Psoriasis skin disease not only make the sufferers having trouble in the physical aspect, it can also burden the sufferers mental mindset because of the social discrimination due to their unpleasant outlook appearance, especially kids psoriasis sufferers. Most of the psoriasis sufferers are having low self esteem, ashamed of themselves and lack of confidence in the life. Hence, it is very vital for the family members to show support to them while they are finding and having cures for psoriasis. It is also an urgent task to find an effective natural cures for psoriasis should you want to totally eliminate psoriasis from your life.
I hereby list down several small advices on how to improve your skin condition by following natural cures for psoriasis. These psoriasis home remedies are not the final treatment for psoriasis but rather they are proven to be effective in soothing the psoriasis symptom without any heavy expenses on
1) Embrace more sunlight, the most effective and totally free natural cure for psoriasis. UV rays are good in slowing down the T cell process of cyotokines, which can trigger inflammation.
2) Keep your hygiene and have a good practice of bathing. Bath with lukewarm water with some additions in the shower is very effective in moisturizing and improving the psoriasis condition.
3) Flax seed oil, apple cider vinegar, aloe vera and dead sea salts are some other well known supplements and natural cure for psoriasis that can be easily available without spending big money.
4) Vitamin B 12,C,D and E are also commonly used to strengthen the body health and consequently help to improve the immune system. Hence, the body can slowly cure psoriasis itself or even eliminate it.
All these natural cures for psoriasis are just some simple tips in helping the fellow sufferers in improving the skin condition and reducing the irritation caused by psoriasis. You may refer to below to get the most detailed Natural Cures for Psoriasis or the information of Top Recommended Natural Cures for Psoriasis in the comprehensive and informative website.
Hi I am Frankin Bishop, I was a chronic plaque psoriasis patient. I have been dealing with lots of symptoms; until finally I approach an ebook guide on how undergo natural cure for psoriasis to control and cure it. After a few months following the suggestion therapy stated on the book, my infection is getting better and better, and I can proudly say that the Natural Cures for Psoriasis [] in it is truly useful in preventing and curing the infection.
Read through my experience and you might find this Best Treatment for Psoriasis [] is useful for you too!
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Monday, June 26, 2017

Psoriasis and Social Networking

By Michael J Dornan

Quite a lot is known about psoriasis, but little is known in how to cure it. Studies show that the peak onset of psoriasis is during teenage years and early adulthood, with the average age of 28 years. In 90% of cases, the disease is chronic. It is thought that remission may occur in a third of people but may last as long as 54 years.
Psoriasis occurs due to a combination of reasons and they may be genetic predisposition and environmental factors. It is not contagious and varies between ethnic backgrounds. Approximately, 3% of Caucasians are affected with psoriasis. In contrast, only 0.3% of the general population in China has psoriasis. The type of climate lived in affects how common psoriasis becomes. This may be due to the impact of sunlight, which appears to improve psoriasis.
The Cause Of Psoriasis
Psoriasis tends to be more common in higher latitudes, such as the northern hemisphere, and is more common in Caucasians than other races. Research found that 30% of people with psoriasis have a direct relative with psoriasis. Children with both parents suffering from psoriasis have a 50% chance of developing the disease. Stress, infection and drugs may also result in psoriasis.
Symptoms of Psoriasis
Psoriasis sufferers experience difficulties with social interaction, and can suffer from several of the following diseases:
  1. Cardiovascular disease due to inflammation, or overweight and have higher rates of diabetes, high blood pressure and increased cholesterol.
  2. Metabolic syndrome, due to high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and high cholesterol.
  3. Cancer, although unclear, but can relate to the treatment used to help cure psoriasis.
  4. Depression, due to having a higher rate of mood disorders, and lower self-esteem, than people without the disease.
  5. Other diseases such as diabetes mellitus and Crohn's disease.

It is important to discuss with your medical professional about the severity of these symptoms, to determine the intensity of treatment and provision of adequate support.
Types Of Psoriasis:
  1. Plaque Psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis accounts for 80-90% of all cases. Psoriasis vulgaris is associated with other inflammatory disorders, including coronary artery disease and inflammatory bowel disease. It appears as salmon-pink or plaques, risen areas on the skin, with white or silvery scales. The most commonly affected areas include the front of the knees and backs of the elbows, the lower back, around the belly button, and the scalp.
  2. Guttate Psoriasis. Guttate psoriasis tends to occur in childhood and early adulthood before the age of 30. It appears as small plaques usually found on the trunk and upper arms and legs about 2-3 weeks after a viral or bacterial upper respiratory infection such as tonsillitis.
  3. Pustular Psoriasis. Pustular psoriasis may be widespread and appear as an inflamed elevation of the skin filled with pus. This form of psoriasis is associated with fever caused by infection or sudden withdrawal of systemic or very potent topical corticosteroids.
  4. Erythrodermic Psoriasis. Erythroderma is a potentially life-threatening form of psoriasis in which the whole body surface is affected, leading to possible hypothermia and heart failure. It can be developed gradually from chronic plaque psoriasis, or suddenly, with little infection.
  5. Flexural Psoriasis. Flexural psoriasis occurs in areas where the skin folds such as genital region, armpits, between the buttocks, and below the breasts. It can appear shiny and red, with plaques that don't have scales due to the moist nature of the areas in which they occur.
  6. Sebo Psoriasis. Sebo psoriasis appears as greasy scales in the eyebrows, behind the ears, over the breastbone, and at the sides of the nose.
  7. Palmoplantar Pustulosis. Palmoplantar pustulosis appears as yellow-brown pustules that occur on palms and soles.

How Are Nails Affected?
Approximately 50% of psoriasis sufferers notice changes in their fingernails, while 35% notice changes in their toenails. The nails change in discolourtion, appearing yellow or orange, thickened and abnormally shaped.
How is Psoriasis Treated?
Treatment of psoriasis comes in many forms and include:
  1. Therapeutic option
  2. Topical agents
  3. Phototherapy and photochemotherapy
  4. Systemic agents
  5. Bone marrow transplantation

Topical agents
Topical agents applied directly to the skin, including lotions, creams, ointments, sprays, foams and gels, and can include:
  • Emollients, which can reduce scales
  • Corticosteroids, (strong steroids) can cause skin thinning, stretch marks, abnormal blood vessels and bruising
  • Vitamin D analogues, less side effects than corticosteroids, causes skin irritation, itching, peeling, and dryness
  • Tazarotene, topical retinoid a drug made from vitamin A, that is available as a gel or cream, and is usually applied once daily, in the evening
  • Coal tar has an unpleasant smell, infected hair follicles, skin irritation, staining of clothing and potential to cause cancer.
  • Dithranol, stains the skin a yellowish-brown colour. It is less effective than topical corticosteroids or vitamin D3 derivatives when used on its own

Phototherapy is different wavelength of light radiation on affected skin. Broadband UVB and narrowband UVB can cause tanning, sunburn and skin cancer, but shows improvements within 20-25 treatments and can usually be cleared with approximately six weeks of phototherapy. PUVA photochemotherapy is the combination of psoralen (P), which makes the skin more sensitive to radiation, and may cause headache and nausea, skin burning, premature skin ageing and increase the risk of skin cancers with more than 250 treatments.
Systemic agents
Systemic agents, or medications that impact the whole body, rather than the applied area include:
  • Methotrexate, a tablet that interferes with the production of new cells, prevents anaemia (low blood count), inflammation around the mouth (stomatitis), and to reduce gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea or diarrhoea.
  • Cyclosporin, a drug that reduces functioning parts of the immune system, and is effective as a short-term treatment for moderate to severe psoriasis. Therapy should ideally be limited to 12 week short courses, which allows rapid improvement in symptoms.
  • Retinoids, man-made hormones based on vitamin A that does not affect the immune system. Acitretin is the most commonly used retinoid for psoriasis and includes side effects of conjunctivitis (pink eye), hair loss, skin dryness, inflammation at the corners of the lips, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, problems with bones and ligaments, liver inflammation and increased pressure within the brain.
  • Other systemic agents include fumarates (which have significant side effects involving the digestive system), and uncommonly used agents such as hydroxycarbamide, leflunomide, mycophenolate mofetil, sulphasalazine, azathioprine and 6-thioguanine, which all have less evidence supporting their use.
  • Biological agents have the potential to result in cancer or serious infections, and rare instances of problems with the nervous system, liver failure, and worsening of heart failure. These include: Alefecept, Efalizumab, Etanercept, Infliximab, and Adalimumab.

Doctors and specialists closely monitor these treatments and patient experience. Doctors advise their patients on what is the best treatment for their psoriasis.
Social Medicine (, a health based social networking site, helps people suffering from a variety of health conditions, to globally connect, help and share information with others in similar situations, by focusing on bridging the gap of patient-to-patient communication, and patient-to-practitioner, with all the social networking features and functionality expected in today's society. is designed to help individuals dealing with particular illnesses, to help share their thoughts, experiences, and knowledge with others who experience the same condition. Its emphasis is on connecting people and has all the social networking features and functionality expected. focuses on illness sufferers within the health communities. Social Medicine fosters a community support experience, where real people in similar situations come together, to circumvent negative feelings like disconnection and loneliness, and focus on improving self-esteem, understanding, communication, relationships, and peer support.
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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Psoraisis Help - Living With Psoriasis and Depression

By Danielle W. Lee

At first glance, psoriasis may seem like a simple skin condition but it is so much more that. Psoriasis often impacts a person's emotional well-being as well. 25% of people with psoriasis are also diagnosed with depression and anxiety due to their skin's condition. Overall, 39% of psoriasis patients are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts due to their disease.
Psoriasis can be mild, moderate, or severe; for people who have severe psoriasis, the affliction may interfere with their daily lives. In cases where the whole body is covered lesions, the sufferer may experience a low quality of life that induces depression. Skin can often be so dry that it cracks, making it painful for the patient to complete simple daily tasks. In addition, many psoriasis sufferers are self-conscious of the way their skin appears and how others with no understanding of the disease may perceive them. Young adults with psoriasis are especially vulnerable; many cite that they feel psoriasis impedes their ability to date and socialize freely.
Because there is no clinical cure for psoriasis, the disease often cycles through periods of remission and hyperactivity-many psoriasis patients take medications and drugs to control their symptoms, but there is no drug that can effectively control psoriasis in the long-term without side effects. Often, stopping medication will lead to a psoriasis flare up; it is the vicious cycle of psoriasis flares that frustrates patients and makes them feel hopeless. Here are some ways to avoid depression from psoriasis.
Dealing with Psoriasis and Depression Strategy #1: Reducing Stress
Stress and psoriasis are linked. Psoriasis causes patients stress, and stress worsens psoriasis, which leads to a loop that may eventually cause depression. Try to keep your mind relaxed by meditating or focus on activities which put you at ease. In moments of acute stress due to psoriasis, take deep breaths to calm yourself. Take things slowly and focus on getting through one day at a time; try not to overwork or over-exert yourself. Many psoriasis patients have cited yoga as a beneficial activity that both calms the mind and strengthens the body.
Dealing with Psoriasis and Depression Strategy #2: Join a Support Group
Living with psoriasis and dealing with the hardships that come with it can take a toll on anyone. You don't have to do it alone; there are many support groups available both online and locally that help psoriasis patients deal with their emotions. It may be helpful to interact with other psoriasis sufferers and discuss strategies for managing depression and anxiety associated with the condition.
Dealing with Psoriasis and Depression Strategy #3: Get Adequate Sleep
Staying on a regular sleep schedule can help with both depression and psoriasis symptoms. Both too little and too much sleep can worsen psoriasis and cause depression. Too little sleep can over-stress the body which may inflame psoriasis further, but too much sleep makes a person lethargic and more likely to be depressed. Make sure you're getting enough sleep so that you feel relaxed and alert.
These are just a few strategies to manage depression and psoriasis. Remember that psoriasis does not define you as a person. Focus on the positive things and try to enjoy life.
Danielle W. Lee is a former psoriasis sufferer who found her cure through careful trial and error. She tried conventional psoriasis treatments prescribed to her by doctors, but found that none of them worked for long. She became interested in treating psoriasis naturally after learning about the frightening side effects of various conventional drugs. Through her research, she has discovered a 100% natural cure for psoriasis that is safe, effective, and cheap. Please visit for more information.
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Saturday, June 24, 2017

Psoriasis Home Remedies - Top 6 Advices to Cure Psoriasis Skin Disease Naturally

By Thurman Johnson

First, let's talk about some basic knowledge of psoriasis before we move on to the psoriasis home remedies. Psoriasis is one of the most common skin disease happened in the world. Strictly speaking, it is not caused by any external factor, it is triggered by the disorder of the patient immune system which incorrectly produce excessive skin cells in a over rapid speed on the skin. Eventually, the rapidly built up skin cells are not able to be shed off by the skin tissue naturally and hence cause different kind of disturbing psoriasis skin diseases.
Common psoriasis symptoms are silvery white scales, skin redness, patches of swollen skin, flakes of dead skin or fine bumps. If you are diagnosed to have psoriasis, you may not experience all these symptoms because there are 5 different types of psoriasis that recorded. Most of the psoriasis will cause discomfort and uneasiness feeling to the patients while there are cases of psoriasis that cause arthritis and eventually may cause disability condition to patient.
Hence, if you are able to notice certain psoriasis symptoms happening on your skin, you should take action to prevent it from worsening as soon as possible.
I hereby provide 6 psoriasis home remedies that you are able to apply and help improving the condition of your psoriasis skin disease effectively. Do not expect that they are able to completely cure your psoriasis but they are definitely able to sooth your disturbing condition.
1) You should moderately expose your psoriasis to the mild and natural sunlight in order to allow your skin to produce Vitamin D in order to improve the skin condition and reduce the excessive accumulation of skin cell that form psoriasis.
2) Utilize the nature power of Aloe Vera which is very useful in curing the external physical irritation and discomfort.
3) Vitamin E is another effective psoriasis home remedies that can greatly reduce the discomfort of psoriasis especially scalp psoriasis. You should apply around 200-800 IU of vitamin E on the scalp affected are daily in order to experience the best effect.
4) Apple cider vinegar is a good component in soothing the inflammation and swollen infection caused by psoriasis. You can simply mix the vinegar with water and apply them on the affected area along with gentle massage.
5) Mixture of olive oil (1 cup), oregano oil (1 drop) and calendula oil (2 drops) is able to improve the condition of psoriasis skin disease especially scalp psoriasis. Apply the mixture to your scalp and do not rinse it for 10-15 minutes.
6) Buttermilk can be used to improve the psoriasis condition internally and externally. Apply the buttermilk directly on scalp or other psoriasis affected area or consume this substances as part of your diet will help to ease the disturbing skin condition.
As stated above, these are some easily accessible psoriasis home remedies that you can utilize to improve your skin condition and prevent worsening of psoriasis ailment. However, they are not the ultimate treatment to completely cure psoriasis since psoriasis is caused by disorder of immune system. If you are determine to cure psoriasis problem from the root cause and willing to pay in effort and time.
You are strongly recommended to Visit Psoriasis Home Remedies Review [] site to know more about the top recommended Psoriasis Home Remedies that cure your psoriasis by healing of your immune system.
Obtain Top Psoriasis Home Remedies [] Now and get rid of psoriasis for good!
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Friday, June 23, 2017

Is Psoriasis the Bane of Your Life?

By Brian D Hayward-Hughes

"There's no need to suffer any longer now there is Psoriasis Treatment & Relief using Dermasis Cream"
Psoriasis Treatment & Relief using Dermasis Cream
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition characterized by well-defined red plaques with a white scale surface. Examples of environmental influences include climate, trauma to the skin, or an infection of the ear or upper respiratory tract. It is a skin condition characterized by rapidly dividing skin cells. The cells divide and grow at a rate almost ten times faster than normal skin.
Avoid skin injury! Local injury can exacerbate or cause new psoriatic lesions. Care must be taken, as infant skin is thin and delicate. Washing: Mild soaps or soap-free cleansers are beneficial, as they do not irritate or dry out the skin. The skin should then be gently patted dry and medications or moisturizers should be applied immediately.
How many people suffer with Psoriasis
According to the Natural Psoriasis Foundation you aren't alone, millions of people are affected by psoriasis.
Tired of Psoriasis?
Do you want relief from your psoriasis or eczema? Do you want to regain smooth, clear, problem-free skin naturally, without any messy tar, steroids, or chemicals? Now, you can, with a natural cream called Dermasis.
Psoriasis affects ...
both children and adults with an incidence roughly equal between men and women. The exact cause of psoriasis is unclear; however, genetics and environment play key roles. The most common type of psoriasis is psoriasis vulgaris, vulgaris meaning common .
Guttate psoriasis numerous small plaques is another type of psoriasis frequently associated with an ear or upper respiratory tract infection. Other types of psoriasis include pustular psoriasis numerous vesicles and erythroderma ill-defined and confluent red scaling areas on the trunk and extremities . Infections: Infections may stimulate the onset of psoriasis. It is thought that the stimulus of streptococcal infection strep throat may initiate or exacerbate psoriasis. Guttate psoriasis, in particular, is associated with streptococcal infection.
Psoriasis responds to the physical and emotional well being of the individual Maintaining a low stress lifestyle along with a balanced healthy diet is very beneficial in conjunction with proposed treatments.
Pregnancy & Psoriasis:
Although psoriasis can affect the whole body, it does not affect conception or pregnancy. The treatments during pregnancy are more concerning than the psoriasis itself.
During pregnancy, psoriasis may improve, remain the same or worsen. It is reported, however, that most psoriasis flares occur within the first six months after delivery. Finally, arthritis can accompany psoriasis and be particularly problematic during pregnancy. Psoriasis on the nipple will not harm an infant while nursing. Although uncommon, psoriasis may affect infants, many times the diagnosis is confused with other conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis, ringworm or diaper rash.
Psoriasis - Seborrheic Dermatitis - Dandruff.
High or low strength corticosteroid ointments usually aren't used on a long-term basis because of potential side effects , but may be employed to help bring a particularly bad episode of psoriasis under control. Calcineurin inhibitors may have some positive effect on psoriasis but calcineurin inhibitors have side effects and particularly increase risk of certain forms of cancers. However, when used for short term, these medicines may help end psoriasis episodes. Psoriasis isn't totally curable, so all medicines manufactured for it are meant to control but not cure the disease. When people have psoriasis, taking care of the skin, in and out of remission, is important.
Squalene Oil:
Squalene a natural antioxidant found in your skin. By fighting the free radicals that damage and age your skin and the rest of your body, it helps your skin remain healthy and radiant, while also working to fight off infections.
Aside from being found in skin, Squalene occurs in both fish and various vegetables. We now know that Evening Primrose Oil has anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent reddening and scarring of the skin. It also works to maintain the shape and texture of the skin, to prevent wrinkles and to limit the effects of skin aging. Evening Primrose Oil is one of the most valuable ingredients in keeping your skin healthy and bright. Vitamins A, C and E: Vitamin A is an antioxidant that is necessary in many different ways, including for healthy skin, sight and bones. Vitamin A helps improve skin pigmentation by eliminating aging spots, and works to makes your skin firm and to counteract wrinkles. It also helps get rid of dead cells on the skin surface. Vitamin C is basic in keeping your skin healthy, as well as your blood, bones and brain. Vitamin C has recently been found to inhibit melanin, meaning that it works to keep your skin lighter. As an antioxidant, Vitamin C opposes the production of free radicals that damage skin and make it lose its luster. Vitamin C and Vitamin E make each other more effective, and work best to make your skin healthy and bright when they are together.
Grapefruit Extract...
is one of the most effective and widely used natural products to fight skin infections. Grapefruit Extract helps keep your skin healthy and undamaged without toxic side effects.
Did you know that Psoriasis can be found on the scalp, on the face, around the eyes, in the ears, in the mouth, on hands & feet, in the nails, in the genital area and in skin folds.
Some medications may exacerbate psoriasis. If the psoriasis is uncontrollable, the stress factor may need to be addressed with relaxation, exercise or possibly stress reduction medications.
Diet and Psoriasis:
There are varied opinions and theories concerning diets & supplements when treating psoriasis. Unfortunately, most diets and supplements sound too good to be true. In addition, vitamins have also been used to treat psoriasis, specifically, vitamins A and E. Much of the problem when treating psoriasis is acknowledging the fact that this is a medical condition. In fact, psoriasis may improve or clear with little or no treatment at all. Conversely, there may be times when psoriasis is extremely resistant to treatments that may have worked in the past.
Psoriasis symptoms get worse when your skin is dry, so keep it moist with creams and lotions. Keeping the skin moisturized has long been known to help psoriasis. Moisturizing gives the skin flexibility and helps reduce flaking and cracking associated with psoriasis. Thick and oily moisturizers are often the best, since they are good at trapping moisture beneath the skin.
Recommended Treatment:
Dermasis is a Cream that gives you the help and relief you need with Psoriasis. This smooth, non greasy formula absorbs into the skin quickly and won't stain your clothes. Controls skin symptoms Sooths and Moisturizes your skin.
Unfortunately, currently there is no cure, but Revitol Dermasis Psoriasis Cream is effective at reducing symptoms.
1. Consisting of all natural ingredients, such as palm oil, vitamin E acetate and tea trea oil, Revitol Dermasis works almost instantly to alleviate the worst symptoms of psoriasis.
2. The FDA approved ingredients in Revitol Dermasis Psoriasis Cream also alleviate symptoms such as itching and irritation.
3. Anyone suffering from psoriasis should try Revitol Dermasis Psoriasis Cream for instant relief.
4. Dermasis Psoriasis cream helps control the scaling and flaking to heal your skin naturally. Soothes the itching, redness and scaling of psoriasis in days.
5. Get your free jar of Dermasis Psoriasis cream when you purchase another today.
Dermasis Psoriasis cream helps in two main ways your psoriasis symptoms.
Firstly it Soothes the itching, redness and scaling of psoriasis.
Secondly, after dead skin cells have been shed, the ingredients of Dermasis Psoriasis cream can now easily penetrate your skin and moisturize it. It makes skin smoother and promotes healing even for extreme cases of psoriasis.
Additional information Link click here.
No more suffering, enough is enough.
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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Psoriasis In Children and Helping Them Cope With This Chronic Disease

By Terry Robbins

When a child suffers for any reason including being plagued with a disease such as psoriasis, parents usually suffer right along with the child and have a desire to make things better for the child and may feel powerless at times when dealing with psoriasis in children. In addition to helping the child in trying to find the best psoriasis cures that may include home remedies for psoriasis, a psoriasis diet, etc, parents also have to provide emotional support since dealing with the disease can be very difficult for children.
While the majority of those with psoriasis usually begin having psoriasis symptoms when they are much older, psoriasis can affect anyone of any age. Approximately 15% of all psoriasis cases begin before the age of ten. Psoriasis in children is that much more challenging for parents as well as doctors.
When a parent is dealing with a child who suffers from psoriasis, they usually have to spend more time in helping to find the treatment that will work for the child as well as in helping the child cope emotionally with this condition. While there isn't a cure for psoriasis, there are various treatments that can help to control the flare-ups including various drugs, uv light therapy, home remedies for psoriasis, etc.
Dealing with psoriasis in children can be difficult for doctors as well in the sense that many common psoriasis treatments may present various problems and health risks when used on children. This is why it greatly helps when alternative treatments such as home remedies for psoriasis are used to help children deal with psoriasis symptoms.
It is especially difficult for parents to watch their child suffer with this chronic skin disease. This is especially so since children have even less self control than adults and when they itch, they will just want to scratch which only worsens the psoriasis lesions which may burn and itch. Various home remedies for psoriasis such as using wraps can be great to help children keep from scratching away at these psoriasis lesions.
Psoriasis in children is usually in the form of plaque psoriasis which features oval shaped silvery/gray scales on the elbows, knees and the lower back. Scalp psoriasis is another type of psoriasis that can affect children that can be mistaken for severe dandruff which can be even more embarrassing for children. Guttate psoriasis which usually shows up in children after a bout with a certain bacterial disease such as strep throat is also a common type of psoriasis in children. But by far the most common type of psoriasis in children and adults is plaque psoriasis.
While the origins of psoriasis remain unknown, it is believed to have a genetic component but this is tricky in that while both of the parents or one of parents of a psoriasis sufferer can have the disease, neither of them can have the disease and still produce a child with psoriasis. Many other factors can also lead to the development of psoriasis such as an illness, skin injury, puberty, stress, etc. This disease is still a great mystery to doctors but this does not mean that parents and children should lose hope in finding a solution for this condition.
Since there isn't one treatment that can work for all psoriasis sufferers, it is important to be proactive and try various therapies until you find the one that works which may include changing the diet, home remedies for psoriasis, drug therapies, various alternative medicine therapies, etc. While the child may get despondent after trying various therapies without success, it is important for the parent to help the child maintain a positive attitude that a solution will be found no matter how long it will take.
One of the best home remedies for psoriasis that a parent can do when dealing with psoriasis in children is to ensure that the child keeps his or her skin moisturized. Ensuring that the child lotions up frequently is one of the easiest ways to combat this disease. The more moisturized the skin is, the less itchy it will be and the less prone to flare-ups the skin will be.
When dealing with psoriasis in children, it is important to educate the child on the disease and what they need to do to prevent psoriasis flare-ups or how to treat lesions for them to heal quickly. The child needs to be taught that though they may want to scratch or rub at the lesions, this will only make the condition worse. The more educated the child is, the closer he or she will be to properly managing this chronic skin disease.
In addition to prescription medications, there are many other home remedies for children that may be even safer than using prescription medications which involve using various oils such as olive oil, mineral oil, coconut oil, etc, in various recipes to treat skin lesions.
While psoriasis in children can be difficult, it is important to not lose hope and to help your child maintain a positive attitude as you both try to find an effective treatment for the condition. There are various treatments that can work effectively including using various home remedies for psoriasis. For more information on psoriasis as well as treating and coping with this condition, visit
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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The Five Most Common Types of Psoriasis

By Joseph Merkle

There are five commonly contracted forms of psoriasis. These are plaque psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, inverse psoriasis, and erythrodermic psoriasis. Mainly, most people suffering from psoriasis contract a singular type, though one type can alter into another type when stimulated by an outside influence, such as a stressful situation or an unrelated health concern. Childhood diseases such as measles, chicken pox, and mumps can be a trigger for psoriasis. Often diseases that overburden the immune system can set off a case of psoriasis.
Plaque psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris) is largely, the most frequently found psoriasis. Approximately 80 percent of psoriasis sufferers have plaque psoriasis. Signs that confirm a strong indication one is afflicted by this type of psoriasis are raised, red patches that will frequently display a white, shiny scaling. These distinct patches are referred to as plaques. The initial indicator of plaque psoriasis is the onset of small, red bumps developing erratically on the body. These plaques often have two separate pathologies. Often they continue to exist as individual, isolated areas. They are known to commonly merge together to create a bigger plaque. As a rule of thumb, the most common frequented areas of this type of psoriasis are the elbows, knees, and the lower back. Keep in mind plaque psoriasis is not limited to these areas. It can appear anywhere on the body, particularly the scalp. This is commonly referred as scalp psoriasis. One rare aspect of plaque psoriasis is that it rarely afflicts the face. Plaques can last for long periods of time. Eruptions are regularly attributed to an array of concerns, including stress.
Guttate psoriasis is the second most common type of psoriasis. Widespread tiny, red marks on the skin are clear indications of guttate psoriasis. Tear shaped spots may be seen during an affliction of this type. This skin condition is generally an acute condition often linked to a bacterial or viral infection. It usually appears on the trunk of the body and the limbs. This type of psoriasis generally is found in young adults and children. Many cases of guttate psoriasis are mild and will vanish without medication. More severe cases could indicate treatment and an appointment with your physician.
Pustular psoriasis is a rare form of psoriasis, pustular psoriasis affects fewer than five percent of those unfortunate enough to contract psoriasis. Symptoms are raised pustules that are filled with pus. Methodological analysis indicates implies the development of pustules in hours of the skin becoming red and itchy. The typical skin eruption occurs in waves. This scenario is a progression of scaling and mending in just a few short days. Reappearance is the subsequent phase. Pustular psoriasis is generally prevalent anywhere on the body. Often it can be a limited occurrence found on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. This is known as palmar-plantar pustulosis. Pustular psoriasis is a serious condition that often can lead to some time in the hospital. This condition occur most often in adults. Confirmed triggers are the application of cortisone, streptococcal bacteria, and hormonal changes such as pregnancy. Patients that elect to pursue a natural healing path may experience an aggravation when eliminating medications that contain steroids.
Erythrodermic psoriasis quite frequently occurs in tandem with pustular psoriasis, while this is not always the situation. Symptoms are often more severe than other forms of psoriasis and display the typical red, inflamed, and scaly eruption. The intensity comes because this rash can encompass a sizable portion of the body. In a number of cases the entire body is engulfed. This type of psoriasis should be approached seriously, as it can be deadly in some cases. This particular psoriasis causes the skin to fail in its capacity to regulate temperature. Therefore, it becomes necessary to thoroughly keep an eye on the situation. Hospitalization should not be ruled out in severe cases. This is the most painful psoriasis that can produce life threatening situations owed to fever, infection, and dehydration. Erythrodermic psoriasis is usually cared with medicine of a topical and/or systemic kind.
Inverse psoriasis is often mistaken for a yeast infection (candida). This is because it involves the same typical vicinity of the body where there are folds in the skin. Some of the common areas affected are below the breasts, armpits, and the genital areas. Inverse psoriasis, also called flexural psoriasis, generally afflicts those who are overweight with additional skin folds that happen to become irritated from continual friction and sweating. Distinct from other varieties of psoriasis, the eruptions will be glossy and shiny with none the typical scaling displayed by other types of psoriasis. These patches are notably inflamed and tender.
I suffered from psoriasis for years because I believed my doctors when they told me there is no cure. Well guess what? They lied! I am so excited to share my success in CURING PSORIASIS [] because I know what it feels like to be a social outcast. Join me today and thank me tomorrow!
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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Treating Psoriasis May Help Prevent Heart Attacks And Strokes

By Yi Shi

In the past, psoriasis was viewed primarily as a cosmetic issue that would not extend beyond the obvious lesions on the skin. With a better understanding of the immune responses involved in this disease, and clinical evidence indicating the frequent associations between psoriasis and other serious diseases, we now know that psoriasis is a much more serious disease affecting the whole body and quality of life.
Psoriasis is a common skin disease that affects more than 6 million people in America. Psoriasis usually occurs as red, scaly, crusty patches that reveal fine silvery scales when scraped or scratched. These patches may itch, irritate, and cause discomfort.
Psoriasis is most common on the knees, elbows and scalp, but can appear anywhere on the body. In some types the nails or joints are also affected. The condition is chronic, lasting for many years, sometimes painful, disabling, especially when coupled with arthritis.
Causes Of Psoriasis
The reason psoriasis occurs is unidentified. However, it is accepted that the immune system plays an important role in the disease development. When psoriasis strikes, the over-reactive immune cells release inflammatory cytokines and cause the rapid turnover of skin cells. Under normal conditions, it takes up to 28 days for newly formed skin cells to rise to the surface of the skin and separate from healthy tissue, but in psoriasis it takes just two to six days. When the skin cells replenish themselves too quickly, they are immature and defective as part of skin barrier.
According to medical research, it is now established that psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated hyper-proliferative inflammatory skin disease. Psoriasis is characterized by an over-production of inflammatory mediators and complicated interactions among epidermal cells and inflammatory/immune network.
Psoriasis Is Associated With Serious Medical Conditions
There is a growing awareness that psoriasis is more than 'skin deep'. Over the years, several studies have uncovered that psoriasis is linked with a number of potentially serious medical conditions including cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, psoriatic arthritis, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, autoimmune diseases (Crohn's disease), psychiatric diseases (such as depression and sexual dysfunction), sleep apnea, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Recently, a convincing association between psoriasis and vascular diseases has emerged. Psoriasis patients have an increased incidence of heart disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. Studies also showed that patients with severe psoriasis have shorter life expectancies by an average of three to five years than those who are not affected by psoriasis.
Inflammation Is The Causal Link Between Psoriasis And Cardiovascular Diseases
The exact connection between psoriasis and cardiovascular diseases is unknown, but available evidence supports that inflammation may be the causative link between psoriasis and vascular disease.
Psoriasis and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries, the leading cause of heart attacks, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease) share similar immune-inflammatory responses. In psoriasis, local release of inflammatory mediators causes a cascade of immune-inflammatory cell activation, continuous skin cell proliferation, and development of psoriatic plaques. In atherosclerosis, activated inflammatory cells gather at the sites of vascular injury, become part of atherosclerotic plaque, and destabilize the plaque which eventually leads to heart attack and stroke.
Psoriasis Treatments
Psoriasis treatments are aimed to suppress the over-reative immune-inflammatory responses, slow down cellular growth, and relieve associated itching and scaling.
Treating psoriasis often involves combination of different medications and interventions such as:
--Topical drug therapy (including steroids, vitamin D analogues, tar preparations, dithranol preparations and vitamin A derivatives)
--Phototherapy (also known as light therapy)
--Systemic medications (prescribed to block specific immune-inflammatory molecules or pathways in the body)
Along with drug treatments, moisturizers are often used to avoid water loss and ease the dryness associated with the disease or caused by treatments.
Apparently, there are side effects and risks linked with long term drug treatment. Common side-effects of corticosteroids include skin thinning, loss of pigment, allergic to steroids, and increased risk of infection.
Common side effects of systemic immunomodulatory therapy (impact the entire immune system) and newer biologic drugs (target individual factor or specific parts of the immune system) include increased risk of infection, flu-like symptoms, injection site reactions, and compromised immune system.
Can Treating Inflammation Benefit Both Psoriasis And Cardiovascular Disease
Due to essential role of inflammation in psoriasis and atherosclerosis, it is thought that suppressing immune-inflammatory responses may be effective treatments for both psoriasis and atherosclerosis. Various studies are performed to determine whether a treatment to reduce inflammation in psoriasis patients could be associated with a decrease in cardiovascular diseases.
Although there has no conclusive evidence, initial results suggest that treating psoriasis patients with drugs targeting inflammatory pathways can reduce vascular inflammation in psoriasis patients. Nonetheless, long-term follow-up studies are required to confirm whether reduced inflammation in psoriasis patients is associated with smaller and stable atherosclerotic plaques and decreased incidence of heart attack and stroke.
Topical Anti-inflammatory Remedies For Psoriasis Relief
To avoid systemic side effects related to long term drug treatments, natural anti-inflammatory remedies, especially topical anti-inflammatory herbal remedies, are often used as alternative treatments for psoriasis relief. Anti-inflammatory herbal extracts have been used for centuries to ease inflammatory skin conditions including psoriasis. Some results from clinical trials using herbal remedies to treat psoriasis have been promising.
Commonly used anti-inflammatory herbs for psoriasis relief include White willow, Aloe vera, Licorice, Coptis, Scute, Rhubarb, Honey suckle, and Indigo naturalis. Pharmacological studies have shown that these herbs have anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and immuno-regulatory properties.
Topical Anti-inflammatory herbal remedies may provide following benefits for psoriasis relief:
--Ease of inflammation-related scaling and itching
--Balanced immune response against allergens, irritants, oxidative stress, and infections
--Augmented endogenous (i.e., derived internally) antioxidants, the most effective disease-fighting molecules in the body
--Nurturing environment for recovery of damaged skin cells and enhanced tissue repair
To learn and benefit from natural anti-inflammatory remedies, follow blog series "Nature's Best Anti-inflammatory Herbs" and "Natural Cures For Chronic Inflammatory Conditions".
Dr Yi Shi, founder of Innovative Drug Discovery and [] is well established in inflammatory disease research. Dr Shi has conducted numerous research projects and published over 40 research articles in medical journals. For nearly a decade, Dr Shi has directed collaborative efforts to develop natural anti-inflammatory products and 3R Skincare System for inflammatory skin conditions.
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Monday, June 19, 2017

How To Cure Psoriasis In 3 Months Or Less!

By JG Michel Blais

Take it from a long time sufferer of Psoriasis. Don't you ever get tired of all the bull crap on How To Cure Psoriasis? Read my story first and then judge for yourself. First there's a few basic things you need to understand before I teach you how to cure psoriasis in less than 3 months.
For as long as I can remember I've been searching for a Psoriasis cure all of my life. Other than a "temporary", but total disappearance of all traces of of Psoriasis on my body a few years ago, as far as I was concerned, there was no cure for Psoriasis. But wait... all of these years I've been approaching this all wrong, and so has everybody else including your narrow-minded doctor.
The reason being, is that there will never be a cure for psoriasis until such time that a team of biologist are assigned the task of discovering why our killer T-cells are over-reacting, and creating a medication mild enough for every day use that will suppress the immune system without the risk of developing other diseases. Does this sound like a contradiction? It sure is!
Rest assured that I speak and write from experience in addition to the extensive research I have done on the subject. Just so that you know, I'm not against doctors. I just feel that most doctors live in ignorance! Can you blame them? They've studied long and hard in their respective discipline to obtain their degrees, so in their minds, why should they listen to anyone else? How dare they ask me to "think" outside the box?
They usually have a family like most of us, are busy with their personal lives, and heck it's not their problem... they've become indifferent and immune to people's complaints about their legitimate health problems... until it affects them personally! This added to the fact that they constantly live in fear of being sued.
I've been a Psoriasis sufferer since the age of 22. I'm now 62, and I hope my story will inspire you not to waste too much time with this disease... as Psoriasis does worsen as you get older. Depriving yourself of everyday living, such as going swimming with your children to avoid embarrassment to them or yourself... things such as dating, wearing summer clothing, walking the beaches, always hiding and always conscious of people staring, making comments! Is it contagious? You know the feeling... being refused access to public swimming places because they fear you might catch another disease... so they say, and doing this for years, decades even... depriving yourself all of those little things that really count, which you could have done if only your doctor would have "thought" outside the box a little!
Using useless prescribed creams and methods that just don't work, in the hope of a better life! But enough of that for now, as I'll continue my story after giving you some facts on Psoriasis which were never revealed to you. And, what you must do to NO LONGER HAVE TO LIVE WITH PSORIASIS! This doesn't mean that your Psoriasis is cured... it simply means that their will never be any visible traces of Psoriasis on your body... but better still, your Psoriasis will be controlled... in effect, the spread of it STOPPED!
Let's begin with what Is Psoriasis? In short, Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune disease that appears on the skin. It occurs when the immune system sends out faulty signals that speed up the growth cycle of skin cells. I want you to think real hard on these two phrases... autoimmune disease and faulty signal!
- Autoimmune disease? Disease is a little harsh. It's more like an unbalanced immune system (probably due to some form of toxin in your body which has yet to be identified).
- A faulty signal! This is so very important to understand. Skin cells have a regular and natural growth cycle of about 24 days on average. In the case of Psoriasis, the growth cycle is much faster, hence not giving you enough time to shed your old skin, the new skin accumulating at the top causing inflammation and forming psoriatic plaques, before the old skin has had time to shed. What you have is a build-up of skin.
Your skin has a very sophisticated defense mechanism, whereby every time it feels it's being invaded by some foreign, exterior toxin of some kind (many times a day), it signals the first cells of defense to stop these invaders by whichever way it has damaged and penetrated your skin, letting the natural growth cycle of new skin cells take it's course.
The red inflammation you see on your skin is in fact that first line of defense, such as in an insect bite. If these guys can't do the job, then they call upon REAL killer cells (T-cells), to come and do the job. These killer cells have a built in memory system, recalling past infections... and should only react when this specific intruder is present, or when called upon by the first line of defense for some other toxin/intruder. The natural growth cycle of skin cells continues as if nothing ever happened.
Again, the red inflammation you see around a cut, or wound, is that first line of defense busy working to heal the cut or wound and keeping out infections... and this is normal. Without inflammation, cuts and wounds would not heal and leave you open to serious infections. In the case of Psoriasis, rather than the first line of defense taking over and letting the growth cycle of new skin take it's course, it is the real killer cells that immediately jump into action and in doing so causes the growth cycle of new skin to be fast with the result being an abundance of skin which form those scaly, silver looking patches.
Remember what I said about killer T-cells... they have a built-in memory system. When they are called upon to react for a particular infection, they will always respond for that particular infection thereafter. So when you first contracted Psoriasis and your killer T-cells reacted, that was it... it was forever embedded in their memory. So, in the case of Psoriasis, your immune system, rather than letting the first line of defense take it's role, it calls upon those killer T-cells, interferes with the normal growth cycle, and quickens the process for faster healing, hence causing an over abundance of new skin under the yet to be shed old skin.
Psoriasis is not contagious. It commonly causes red, scaly patches to appear on the skin, although some patients have no dermatological symptoms. The scaly patches commonly caused by psoriasis, called psoriasis plaques, are areas of inflammation and excessive skin production. Skin rapidly accumulates at these sites which gives it a silvery-white appearance. Plaques frequently occur on the skin of the elbows and knees, but can affect any area including the scalp, palms of hands and soles of feet, and genitals.
The disorder, as it is now called, is a chronic recurring condition that varies in severity from minor localized patches to complete body coverage. Fingernails and toenails are frequently affected (psoriatic nail dystrophy) and can be seen as an isolated symptom. Psoriasis can also cause inflammation of the joints, which is known as psoriatic arthritis.
Psoriasis first appeared on my body, after a deep cut I sustained from a piece of chrome molding of a car. The cut was on the left forearm, close t the left elbow. At the time, I hadn't thought much of it, but was glad that the 2" long and deep cut had healed rather quickly. I was 22 at the time.
A few months later, the itching began and I noticed flaking of skin where the cut had been. The more time went by, the more the flaking had moved towards the left elbow. Now I was constantly scratching and picking at my left elbow. The more I scratched, the more the flaking developed into full blown scales, silver in color, and all I had to do was just pick at the scales... and they would fall off. It was then that I was diagnosed with Psoriasis. I was told it was incurable and to learn to live with it. By the following year, Psoriasis had spread to both elbows and both knees... and a very small spot or plaque, on the right thigh.
Fast Forward 3 Years...there is a point to all this. In 1974, I turned 25... and something I never expected happened. I was hospitalized for a growth on the left optic nerve. A growth called a pseudo tumor that just kept growing and slowly pushing my left eye out of its socket, causing extreme pain. I remained in that hospital (the Montreal Institute of Neurology), for approximately 90 days... but not without a series of many, many awkward tests involving a team of worldwide experts trying to determine the best approach to resolving my problem. One of the options was to drill a hole through my skull to try and get a biopsy of this growth. It was quickly ruled out because it being on the optic nerve, guaranteed complete blindness in the left eye and partial blindness in the right eye.
The only alternative left was to put me on a certain medication, which at the time was considered extremely dangerous because of its side effects. One of their main concerns was sterility for the rest of my life, and extreme weakening of my immune system leaving me open to serious infections which would normally not occur... as if I cared at 25. I mean what were my options... blindness or no kids! I'm Introduced To Prednisone.
Before I begin telling you of my experience on Prednisone, let me give you a brief description of this drug according to Wikipedia as of the writing of this report, some 35 years later.Prednisone is a synthetic corticosteroid drug that is particularly effective as an immunosuppressant, and affects virtually all of the immune system. It is used to treat certain inflammatory diseases and (at
higher doses) cancer, but has significant adverse effects. Since it suppresses the immune system, it leaves patients more susceptible to infections.
In fact, during an overnight stay at the hospital recently, I was put in a room with 6 other men who had prostate cancer. All f those men were receiving Prednisone as a treatment for their prostate cancer. Prednisone is a prodrug that is converted by the liver into prednisolone, which is the active drug and also a steroid.
My treating physician sees no alternative but to put me on a high dosage beginning with 36 pills, then skipping a day, then down to 34 pills... and so on, always skipping a day in between. It worked! Not only did it suppress the growth on my optic nerve, but because it is an immunosuppressant, and hence suppressed those famous Real killer cells which causes Psoriasis... and all of my Psoriasis disappeared! Once of the Prednisone... and a few months down the road, the Psoriasis began to re-appear.
Fast forward to 1979. My father passes away at 59... and I'm traumatized! This trauma triggers the mass sitting on my optic nerve again. Back on Prednisone, but this time on a smaller scale. Starting with 24 - 22 - 20 and so on. All of my Psoriasis disappears... and re-appears some months down the line after I stopped the treatment. Ironically, my treating physician, a top neurologist at the Montreal Institute of Neurology informs me that Prednisone is not as dangerous as they once thought!
Fast forward to 1984. Low and behold, another trauma in my life... but this time because of a financial breakdown. On the point of losing my home etc., this trauma triggers my growth once again. Back on Prednisone on a smaller dose... 12 - 10 - 8... with the same results. After 1984, I never went back to Prednisone.
Fast forward to 2005. It is a difficult time in my life... alone, jobless, living in a basement apartment with lots of humidity and at times mold. In addition I'm going through stressful times with my teenage son. By now, the Psoriasis on my right thigh has grown to the size of a small plate. This stressful situation is beginning to take its toll. Psoriasis has now appeared on my front left leg just above my ankle and is growing rapidly. It has also appeared on the calf of my right leg and growing rapidly.
Fast forward to 2008 - 2009. Psoriasis has now spread to my lower back, my buttocks and in between the inner thighs and genitals. I'm living a nightmare. Early one morning in the fall of 2009, at about 5:00 A.M., I come to get out of bed and the moment my feet touch the floor, I feel excruciating pain in my feet and ankles. My feet, toes, ankles are swollen. In a panic I get to the hospital with just socks on, since I can't get my shoes on. After a few blood tests and a physical examination, I'm diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis brought on by my Psoriasis!
I'm referred to a dermatologist who tells me he can't do anything for but prescribe cream. I politely tell him "you obviously know very little about psoriasis" and leave! The hospital had also referred me to a Rheumatologist who supposedly is the specialist for Psoriatic Arthritis. Unfortunately, I've been trying to see this specialist for over a year now. I'm hoping that he will put me on a maintenance level of Prednisone, but I'm not holding my breath...cause I don't particularly care what he says, and here's why!
My research on Prednisone led me to a 21 page report prepared by Dr. Schein... so I will only outline what is pertinent to Psoriasis. I have only quoted what I feel is important to Psoriasis sufferers... what you must know before you decide to take this route, as I am about to:
1. What is clear in my mind is this... that Prednisone does allow you to live free of Psoriasis.
2. It is a fact that it can be taken on a maintenance level without too much concern.
Description: Prednisone is the most commonly prescribed oral corticosteroid. The drug is metabolized in the liver to its active form, prednisolone. Prednisone is 4 times as potent as a glucocorticoid (also known as GC). So What Is Glucocorticoids? GCs are naturally occurring hormones that prevent or suppress inflammation and immune responses when administered at pharmacological doses. GCs are part of the feedback mechanism in the immune system that turns immune activity (inflammation) down. They are therefore used in medicine to treat diseases that are caused by an overactive immune system, such as in Psoriasis. They also interfere with some of the abnormal mechanisms in cancer cells, so they are used in high doses to treat cancer.
Side Note: if it is the most commonly prescribed oral corticosteroid... then it cannot be that dangerous as my doctor once told me.
Pharmacokinetics: Prednisone is rapidly absorbed across the GI membrane following oral administration. Peak effects can be observed after 1 - 2 hours. Systemic prednisone (meaning taken according to a specific prescribed dosage), is quickly distributed into the kidneys, intestines, skin, liver and muscle. Any excess... inactive as well as small portions of active are excreted in the urine.
Dosage: Important... these recommended dosages are equivalent Glucocorticoid dosages. The following is the exact wording taken from the report which deals with Psoriasis. "For the treatment of rheumatic conditions such as arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, severe psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, acute and subacute bursitis, acute non-specific tenosynovitis, acute gouty arthritis and gout, osteoarthritis, or epicondylitis".
Oral Adult Dosage: Dosage is titrated (concentration is determined), to response. Usual dosage, however, is 5 - 30mg once daily.
Side Effects: Granted, there are a lot of them... but, they are "more" there as a precaution. As I stated earlier, my
doctor told me that prednisone is not as dangerous as once thought to be. You also have to pay attention to your pre-existing condition.There are over-the-counter drugs on the market, that people take every day, that have just as many side-effects and worse! I'll give you just one example here... ALEVE!
There are also other oral drugs being prescribed for Psoriasis which are equally full of side-effects. I for one, consider Prednisone safer than most... but at least it works.
Conclusion: Considering the amount of Prednisone I use to take, with no or little side effects, I truly believe that we Psoriasis sufferers... especially the ones who's Psoriasis has escalated to Psoriatic Arthritis should have the option to decide whether we want to take a little risk or not! It's up to you to question your doctor
The Irony: I've come to realize that after a certain age, almost everybody either dies of cancer or heart failure whether their immune system is strong or not. One of the warnings of taking Prednisone is weakening your immune system and making you more susceptible to cancer. But yet, once you get cancer and you most likely will in later years... is they treat you with Prednisone, as in prostate cancer... the biggest killer of men next to heart failure. The same can be said for women with breast cancer. Isn't that ironic?
Can it be that if you take Prednisone before cancer ever develops, that your chances of getting cancer are less?
Alternatively: Now I'm about to reveal to you what happened to me between 1990 and 1992. If you recall, this was during the big commotion on this new supplement called "beta carotene". But not just any beta carotene, one specific expensive brand which is no longer available since certain "people" started saying that you could actually overdose on beta carotene... which turned out to be false. After being on this particular brand for about 3-4 months, all of my psoriasis had disappeared. Unfortunately, I never ordered enough and eventually the psoriasis came back.
This taught me a very important lesson because, that particular brand of beta carotene was the equivalent of eating many pounds of carrots, lettuce, cabbage, and fruits such as apples in huge doses and all in one day. Obviously, this is physically impossible in it's natural form. But here is the key: it was a supplement consisting of massive amounts of vegetables and fruits with mainly carrots.
Supplements are meant to be taken with your regular meals. However, the point being is that this beta carotene became your main massive intake of vegetables and fruits, which in turn restored the balance of your autoimmune system.
In conclusion, in order to control your psoriasis and make it disappear for good, you need to restore the balance of your autoimmune system (safely suppressing those killer T-cells), via a proper alkaline diet consisting of mostly vegetables and fruits... and stay on it for the rest of your life.
So you have a dumb doctor who won't put you on a maintenance dosage of prednisone... what can you do? You fear taking Prednisone or any other kind of medicine for Psoriasis. First, you begin by creating and follow a diet specifically tailored for people with Psoriasis.
I suggest you visit this website for a look at the special link to a book with the perfect diets to follow. Next find a supplement consisting of mainly vegetables that will compliment your Psoriasis diet 10 fold, and stick with it. This will suppress your killer T-cells without any danger of lowering your auto immune system.
There is a supplement which very few people have heard of. I'm waiting for it through the mail and it is very cheap. I'll give you a small clue... it's 100 times more powerful than beta carotene. Looking forward to write an article on it with my results.
Jon Michel is a long time sufferer of Psoriasis and publisher of Make sure you visit this site if your serious about curing your psoriasis.
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